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<br /> ,- -'1 <br /> DRAFT <br /> ARD~ HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK-SESSIQN lUN.!i16. 1997 2 I <br /> City Accountant Post reviewed recent state legislation which compressed property tax -. <br /> rates for commercial/industrial properties, and discussed the impact on Arden Hills due to . <br /> our larger commercial/industrial property base. Mr. Post also referenced recent <br /> legislation increasing the City's portion of Public Employee Retirement Account (pERA) <br /> contributions. . <br /> b. Gateway Business District (GBD) <br /> Community Development Director Ringwald provided a status report and reviewed key I <br /> elements of the Gateway Business District's ongoing property acquisitions negotiations. <br /> 1. Naevele Purchase Al!"reement . <br /> Mr. Ringwald summarized the Purchase Agreement for acquisition of the Naegele <br /> property for Council review and comment. <br /> 2. Sale orCitv Land (Kern Millinl!" Site) . <br /> Mr. Ringwald summarized the ongoing negotiations and proposed sale of the . <br /> former Kern Milling site for Council review and comment prior to providing the <br /> document to Welsh Companies. <br /> 3. Welsh Develllpment Agreement el <br /> Mr. Ringwald summarized the draft Development Agreement for Council review <br /> and comment prior to presentation to Welsh Companies. Mr. Ringwald reviewed . <br /> various portions of the Agreement language related to Tax Increment Financing <br /> (TIF), project timing, assessments and other items. <br /> Councilmembers commended staff on their management of the project to-date. . <br /> c. Water Meter Bids . <br /> Public Works Superintendent Stafford reviewed the four bids received by the City on <br /> Friday, June 13, 1997 for the proposed replacement of water meters throughout the City. <br /> Mr. Stafford, and City Accountant Post will use the 60-day evaluation period to continue I <br /> their analysis of the bids and provide a formal bid award recommendation to the Council <br /> at the July 28, 1997 regular meeting. . <br /> d. Local Performance Aid (LP A ) <br /> City Administrator Fritsinger briefly discussed recent legislative amendments to the I <br /> Local Performance Aid program, and sought Council direction as to whether it wished to <br /> participate in the 1998 program, and if so, what service program on which to focus. <br /> Discussion included the possibility of focusing on the I-35W Corridor Coalition I <br /> activities, including the recent GIS program. Council directed staff to review long-term _I <br /> ramifications on the City not participating in this program at this time, with the option of <br /> future participation. <br /> . <br />