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<br /> I' -, <br /> DRAFT <br /> . ARDei HILLS CITY COUNCIL WOl.\KSESSION - Jt.JNJ;; J 6. 1997 3 <br /> .e CITY ISSUES - LONG TERM <br /> I a. TCAAP <br /> 1. EDA PIanninlr Studyl Alliant Techsvstems <br /> . City Administrator Fritsinger requested Council direction regarding facilitation of <br /> TCAAP, Phase II, planning activities. Councilmembers and staff had previously <br /> identified TCAAP as one of their 1997 priorities for continued monitoring, but <br /> I not as a program requiring active staff involvement. Recent developments and <br /> conversations with Alliant Techsystems have moved this item to the forefront, <br /> . and staff sought Council direction on the level of activity Council preferred for <br /> the remainder of 1997, and the resultant affect on current staff workload. <br /> . Discussion included congressional action required, overall planning pursuits, <br /> retrocession activities, financial participation by Alliant Techsystems, long-term <br /> infrastructure development, budget implications, Economic Development <br /> . Administration funding, and staff time constraints. <br /> After discussion, staff was directed to contact Alliant Techsystems and pursue a <br /> .e three to six month delay in planning activities to allow staff completion of various <br /> current projects. Further discussion will take place at the July 21, 1997 <br /> Worksession. <br /> - <br /> - MISCELLANEOUS <br /> Lake .Johanna Volunteer Fire Department. MeetiDl~ Notice <br /> - City Administrator Fritsinger polled Councilmembers on their availability for a joint <br /> CitylFire Department meeting on Thursday, June 19, 1997, as notified by Lake Johanna <br /> Volunteer Fire Department (LJVFD). The purpose of the meeting was to begin <br /> negotiations regarding the renewal of the joint agreement for fire protection services. <br /> Due to the late notice of the meeting, and pursuant scheduling conflicts, no <br /> Councilmembers were available to attend this joint meeting sponsored by LJVFD. <br /> Residential Fire <br /> Mr. Fritsinger advised Councilmembers of a home fire which occurred on Sunday <br /> evening, June 15, 1997. Mr. Fritsinger advised that, due to the suspect origins of the fire <br /> and condition of the house, condemnation proceedings may be required. Staffwill <br /> monitor the situation and apply code enforcement as deemed necessary. <br /> Quad Ice Arena <br /> Mr. Fritsinger advised the Council that the City of Arden Hills, along with the entire <br /> e SAMS group representing area cities, were now the official owners of the fourth rink at <br /> the Quad Ice Arena. Mr. Fritsinger stated that he had pursued previously voiced Council <br /> concerns regarding concession sales and their application to outstanding debt service. <br />