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<br /> c..f(e ARTICLE V. NEW MEMBERS: __m ',. 1 <br /> Section 1. Those writs of government mw are not part of this initial Agreement may join aSiMembers of the Users Group <br /> . at any time. I <br /> Section 2 To become a Member, li,y) ........IIIgoCG to a local unit of ~ovemment shall adQpt II resolution and shall sign the <br /> CWTent J.....;..ul P ...,n"l~ Agreement. Section 3. The New Members will pay the current one-time membership fee and the datal exchange fee due for the Year .. <br /> in which the new Member is ioining as set bv the Board in Article IV Section 4. as calculated bylthe current formula. Fees ....ill <br /> not be pro-rated for new Members who Jom after January I of each year. i. <br /> ARTICLE VI. GIS DATA TO BE SUPPLIED BY RAMSEY COUNTY: I <br /> Section I. It is the intent of this Agreement that the Users Group will negotiate an agreement with Ramsey County for <br /> the exchange of County GIS Data with Members at a preferential fee structure. A component of the fees will apply to the I <br /> maintenance of digital physical features ouly after these features have already been updated from 1996 aerial photography. <br /> Section 2. The GIS Data should consist of the following components: <br /> (i) The Ramsey County Digital Base Map as generated and maintained by the Department of Public Works. I <br /> (ii) The Ramsey County Attribute Data Base as generated and maintained by the Department of Property Records <br /> and Revenue. <br /> (iii) The Physical Features File as generated and maintained by the Department of Public Works. I <br /> Section 3. The Board will negotiate on behalf of the Members for the cost and method of access to this data. 1lly Bv~ d <br /> .......1 b.. !/II:i.,Ei.:d liS 10 Prior to each annual pa.vmenl to Ramsey County the Board shall determine whether it is satisfied ....ith the <br /> conterit, accuracy and timeliness of the data Iv t,y .ul'plicd provided to date and make a determination if further pl\.vmenl shall be I <br /> m&k. <br /> ARTICLE VII. GIS DATA TO BE EXCHANGED AS PART OF rIDS AGREEMENT: I <br /> Section I. -I< Members will agree to exchange any GIS data with Ramsey County and with any other reQllestin!! Member <br /> 0. A:ffiIi.." M....bcI for-its the requestin!! oarties owo use where that QlS. data has been in some way derived and developed from <br /> the County GIS Data $ul'l'l;..d as a result oflhis Agreement or future agreements between the Users Group and Ramsey County. eJ <br /> -I< Members will agree to exchange with Ramsey County and with any other Member v. Affilial\"mel, any attribute data that <br /> it has created and maintained where that data can be associated to a parcel using a parcel identifier.-1\: Member~ wiH also agree <br /> to exchange any building permit data deemed by Ramsey County as necessary for the identification of future physical feature data I <br /> base updates. <br /> Section 2. The Board will negotiate with Ramsey County on behalf of the Members in all matters deemed necessary <br /> relating to supply of GIS data generated by a Member. I <br /> Section 3. Any costs associated ....ith t1" 5ul'pl) of a Member suoplving data to Ramsey County or to anv other Member <br /> ~') U",." a.wl' My...t,y.~ shall be for access and delivery of that data only and not for any costs associated with the development <br /> of that data. I <br /> ARTICLE VIII. DATA ACCESS AND USAGE: <br /> Section I. All Members shall have equal rights to access Ramsey County GIS Data. I <br /> Section 2. Data generated by Ramsey Cowtty and provided to Members may not be sold by Members in it.. orieinal form <br /> to third party agencies. However, a..h. "'U] k~.:d b) u t1';'d pli1C] a Member mav allow use of the oril!inal data bv a third party I <br /> for specific contracted pmposes Data generated by Members and provided to Ramsey County may not be sold by Ramsey COWlty <br /> in its oriiPnal form to third party agencies. However, Ramsey County mllY allow use of the oril!inal data~) h~ .cl.ld by a third <br /> party for specific contracted purposes. I <br /> Section 3. D4tA ~I.~"'~ hvul ~C1Cvl.Wl) CISDab1 bI 1M"] ~I~_ m~] b" ~old 01. ~A~6~ b] th."lI91~abc. of <br /> tilG U~wJ~ G"....I.&}o' b... A tl~d pQ&t). Data which results from enhancement by a Member of Ramsev C01mtv GIS Data received <br /> pursuant to this Al!Teement mav be sold or exchan!!ed by this member to a third partv. I <br /> Section 4. All members will adhere to future Users Group license agreements for County or other agency GIS data. <br /> S"""hol.l S. A!.:tU\,o~ i..t....iiihwJl ......lH uol h"""" '"^""''''.. b... R:....uucy COI.loL..l) CIS DAta """'''''''joIl ..1.~" ~..u..",b..J b} .. ~l....utb....1. to <br /> ~,dab.. toW t'w.t of 41nOjC....lloUAI. A~"^,~&,,, Goub&<'tcd &~~1:U....",. (See by-laws) -- <br /> Page Three <br /> I <br /> - <br />