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<br /> I' ARTICLE IX. l;)ATA SECURITY: ~ <br /> I All Members of the Users Group agree to abide by the data privacy and data security standards of the supplying <br /> agency when using data made available by that agency. <br /> It ARTICLEX. FINANCIAL MATTERS: <br /> I Section 1. The fiscal year of the Users Group is the calendar year. <br /> Section 2. The Board shall adopt an initial budget and must thereafter adopt an annual budget prior to July <br /> 1 of each year for each succeedini year. The Board will give an opportunity to each Member to comment or object <br /> I to the proposed budget before adoption. Notice of the adopted budget must be mailed promptly thereafter to the <br /> chief administrative officer of each Member organization. <br /> Section 3. Operational costs shall be shared according to a method agreed upon by majority decision amon~.l <br /> I .Q(the Board of Directors. The costs could be met by membership fees. These costs could include Users Group <br /> administrative costs, purchase of liability insurance and others as appropriate. <br /> Section 4. Membership Fee: <br /> I Members a.1d A.,....,,,;,de Me'ht..e., ~i:II_,^, pay a one-time membership fee of $500 to the Users Group for <br /> the calendar year 1997. The amount of this fee will SWl be reviewed and set annually by the Board of Directors for <br /> new Members. <br /> I Section 5. Data Access and Physical Features Maintenance Fee: <br /> Members will man commit to a three-year payment of data access and physical features maintenance fees except <br /> where a one-year limitation is imposed by State Statutes. Ramsey County will charge the Users Group on an annual <br /> I basis for unlimited access to the Ramsey County GIS Data. This fee will be paid to Ramsey County by the Users <br /> Group on behalf of the Members on an annual basis. The amount to be paid by each Member will be determined by <br /> the Board vfD;,cGtou and will be reviewed annually. <br /> ~ Section 6. Special Projects Assessments: <br /> embers who wish to enter into special projects and consultations shall present proposals to the Board for review. <br /> I Examples of special projects could be cooperative training or consortium purchase of software. Upon approval by <br /> the Board, those Members who are part of the project will be assessed to meet the cost of the project. <br /> Section 7. Billings to the U,,,,, G10...p Members are due and payable no later than 30 days after mailing. <br /> I . In the event of a dispute as to the amount of a billing, a Member must nevertheless make payment as billed to <br /> preserve membership status. The Member may make payment subject to its right to dispute the bill and exercise any <br /> remedies available to it. Failure to pay a billing within 60 days results in suspension of voting privileges of the <br /> I Member Director. Failure to pay a billing within 120 days is grounds for termination of membership, but the Users <br /> Group rights to billingreceive payment are not affected by the termination of membership. <br /> I ARTICLE Xl. TERM <br /> Section I. This Agreement shall be in force through December 31, 1999, or until superseded by another <br /> I agreement. <br /> Section 2. Based on the annual review of the operating procedures within the Job.ll Po..",~ Agreement <br /> conducted by the Board vfD;'""lOU, a new Jo;,1l Po..ed Agreement will be developed and circulated at least three <br /> I months prior to December 31, 1999 and be agreed upon and signed on or before December 31, 1999. <br /> I <br /> t- Page Four <br /> I <br /> - -------- ------ <br /> - --------- <br />