Laserfiche WebLink
<br /> LC~L)~h '. <br /> & r/ f) ( ,,:\ ::;'" ! ~ 9') ) <br /> ,A <br /> By agreeing to the tenns of this lease, it is mutually agreed thal: ,Ii 1')1 I ./ 't <br /> ,,--- <br /> \Vhen leasing from a licensed bingo hat!, the The organization must have, at the gambling pre- The organization y.,"ill b~ rcsponsibk for en- I <br /> lessor must be the legal owner of the property; mises, a current inventory of gambling equipment, suring that the 1"50r's husiness actiVitiC~ <br /> a sketch with dimensions of the premises avail. not conducted on the !ea'ieu prem ises: <br /> The owner of the property or the lessor may not able for review, and a clear physical separation or <br /> manage gambling at the premises; divider between the lessee's gambling equipment The lease shall be terminated for any illegal <br /> and the lessors business equipment; gambling violations occurring 011 th;:- prc- <br /> The lessor of the premises, his or her immedi. mises; I <br /> ate family, and any agents or employees of the The lessor of the premises \viU allow the Board <br /> lessee may not participat.: as players in the con~ or agents of the Board, the Commissioner of Pub- The kssor of the premises shall provide the <br /> duct of lawful gambling on the leased premises; lic Safety or agents of the commissioner, or the lessee access to the pennined premises dur, I <br /> Commissioner of Revenue or agents of the com- ing any time reasonable and necessary to con- <br /> The lessor and the lessee do not have a direct missioner, and law enforcement personnel to in- duct lawful gambling on the premises 10d as <br /> or indirect financial interest in the distribution spect the premises at any reasonable time, and agreed upon in this lease; and <br /> or manufacture of gambling equipment; permit the organization to conduct lawful Ellm- The lessor shall not modify, terminate or I <br /> bling at the premises according to the terms of <br /> The term of the lease shall be concurrent with this lease. The lessor may not impose any condi- refuse to renew this lease in whole or in par~ <br /> the premises pennit; tions on the organization regarding distributors of because the organization reported to a state I <br /> gambling equipment, services, or the use of prof- or local law enforcement authority or the <br /> The organization must obtain an organization its. The organization will be responsible for com. Board the occurrence at the site of illegal <br /> license, gambling manager license and a pre- plying with the laws and rules ofla\vful gambling; gambling activity in which the organization I <br /> mises permit from the Gambling Control Board. did not participate. <br /> The organization will be responsible for com- <br /> ptying with the laws and rules of lawful gam- <br /> bling; I <br /> List any other conditions or restrictions that will be included as part of the lease. Attach additional sheets if necessary. ~ <br /> Be sure both parties date and initial any attachments to this lease agreement. <br /> A d L'o~\C\ \ P"'i\M.e.v-t'~ of-t:J!:..\Aty h~ E, 6:.0 \~o... s(#',1,S,cu) /"(',' <br /> I <br /> 12,';"",-) f. ~ e. -;S t 0 h ,U\ II b~ cMo.!...<2., -Por_ut<\ '1"\""<; <end-jor C I!'<l.''':'':j; <br /> ('-1-, Qc ~<~ r"'" c,-b\~ -r;; 1!Q. f-\~o<, f f' , ft"M' F( Ol 'I tt <br /> , X \It ,t Q'", oc t- I ".., "- ,(I,' \elj I <br /> t <br /> \ s :y.,\..;-., c 0+ \-S (<2." e" Exk',\",t"'t,"; \'^ i) l1;",J,'\' I\.u.\b a.tI;:",,-\""e.\"\S V'Nck<L <br /> ~co.."''t^ 0 t\".t~ Ie.o..$.<'..., <br /> his lease is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization conducting bingo. There is no other I <br /> agreement and no other consideration required between the parties as to ~he bingo and uther matters relatedtu lhi-s lease. <br /> Any changes in this lease must be submitted to the Gambling Control Board 10 days prior to the effective date of the <br /> change. <br /> Signature of Lessor Date Signature of Orga:nization Official (lessee) Date I <br /> ~~ b-JD-'il ~ iJthJ ffd '1:;097 <br /> I <br /> Print Name and Title of Lessor Signatory :4int Name and T~ of Wee Signatory <br /> (i." (~;,,-- {,S;(Oo..<>w t.t3 2 e:rrt- !'tAl E,e:r <br /> OUJ\i\.e..'f'~ SolI!!. 91'0 ?/3.8SiDc::,J ( E I <br /> A copy of this lease and a sketch with dimensions must be submitted with the premises permit application or premises <br /> permit application renewal or when any changes in the lease agreement occur. <br /> This publication will be made available in alternative format (I.e, large print, brame) upon request, I <br /> Questions on this form should be directed to the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at (612)639,4000, .. <br /> If you use a TrY, you can call us using the Minnesota Relay Service at (612) 297,5353 or 1,800,627,3529 and ask <br /> them to place a call to (612) 639-4000, The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (GCB) to determine your compli- I <br /> ance with Minnesota Statues and rules governing lawful gambling activities, All of the information that you supply on <br /> this form will become public information when received by the GCE. <br />