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<br /> I 0I1-Jig'T~ \ <br /> 1'2- <br /> LG202 Minnesota Lawful Gambling <br /> I (Rev 06/17/96) <br /> LEASE AGREEMENT FOR <br /> "1 PUlL-TAB, PADDLEWHEEL, TIPBOARD, AND/OR RAFFLE <br /> ACTIVITY AT A PERMITTED PREMISES <br /> "_. "',,", ......_,...' ,,' '"',_.,,. - . _... - . ... .... .0. I <br /> "-' ';" .--.-',. ',',,",--,-.';-',.-'.,', '.:',:-,'.":.-..'._",:. ,:., <br /> -:: "'-:'::-:-:.:--;-:"::;;:;,' ',,-,:;:-::<: <br /> bpjJ~{iyo.'IJ/!~lfffss{}rJnforllt'!ti{}"f <br /> I Name of Legal Owner afProperty Street Address City Zip Daytime Phone <br /> .3 'Z '7,3 , / I 't :1\ LN Nt=., --,--, ( <br /> G--Dlc\;~ K. \~ I ~J\. Cl l-~) ,5'O't-'+'I <br /> I?> L A I il, F' {\f)tv; (0ld--) i63-/?'lC <br /> I Name of Lessor Street Address City Zip Daytime Phone <br /> (This mayor may not be the same as the Legal Owner of the Property) MY\., _'i',~-l \ J-,((' I~) '7 J3'I6 'Ie <br /> POt- D} Go \~ 0/IG <2..0 I\(, ~I( '/) A rJ. €..'4\ f-r \ \ l.s <br /> I (61~ G 3 I ' l'l Cj.'\ <br /> Na..'11e of Leased Premises Stre:::t Addn:::;s Cit'j Zip Duj'time Phcne <br /> I PoT D' <1-0(1. B,~'1o t1 0..\\ <3//(. C.o\}\,,-oLll Al"le.V\.t-\:\\5 tf\",55'l\J- <br /> ~J (/.l~ 1.,31,.1'7~4- <br /> Name of Lessee (Name of Organization LeaSing the premises) GCB License # of Organization Daytime Phone <br /> I E:' 0..-'" \\.-u;-rc..", Proje."-t;'rlJ\e..., A,-DLt'1\\ (, <(-'f. \ \ 13 <br /> I Type af gambling activity (check all that apply) that will be conducted at this gambling premises, <br /> , <br /> 1l1S~",'jo o Rames D Paddlewheels SPull,tabs o Tipboards <br /> Ie Total rent cannot exceed $1,000 per month for all non-bingo lease agreements with your organization for this gambling premises. <br /> An organization may not pay rent to itself or to any of its affiliates for space used for the conduct of lawful gambling. <br /> I I . g . n11 -0- I <br /> Rent to be paId per month $ 0 u , <br /> I List dimensions of all ar~ leased by your organization for the conduct of gambling activity checked above, incl~ding storage. <br /> The leased ~~ are: ,,' <br /> feet by feet for a total of square fect. <br /> I feet by" feet for a total of sq,\!are feet. <br /> feet by feet far a total of square ~eet. <br /> I feet by feCt for a total of square feel. <br /> .-......... feet for a to'ta1 of square feet. <br /> Storage feet by <br /> Storage' ,feet by , feet for a tatal of ':.s"quare feet. <br /> I .. '.-'" ~',-- <br /> 'I .'. Combined total '1'I-o'f- squm:e footage I <br /> \\\, <br /> I Submit a sketch" (drawing) of the gambling premises. 'This must show the location of your organization's leased area(s) f~r the conduct <br /> oflawful gambling, including areas leas~ forstorage of your gambling product on_.~is garnbl~g p~c:m.ises: Be sure to ~t~ the dimensions <br /> of the leased areas on the sketch. TIlE DIMENSIONS ClN TIlE SKETCH MlJsr BE ~ SAME AS rnOSE LISTED ABOVE. <br /> I J...fN Statute 349.18 Subd 1 stateS that thetenn of the lease may not begin before the effective date of the premises permit and must expire <br /> on the same day that the premises permit expires.' ' ONLY write an effective date in this area of the lease if this is a renegotiated lease <br /> t' agreement occuring durln:g the tenn of your current premises permit. " '." <br /> "';-,'.. <br /> '-Effective Date for Amended Lease AgreemeoUl 6/3() /97 <br /> I <br /> - --------- <br />