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<br />~l-)I~;:-r ~ '1'~Z-I <br />LG20:Z <br />By agreeing to the terms oj this lease, it is mutually agreed that: (R..:...06ilii%) <br /> <br />The owner of the property or the lessor The lessor of the premises will allow the The lessor of the premises shall provide I <br />may not manage gambling at the pre- Board or agents of the Board, the Com mis, the lessee access to the permitted pre, .. <br />mises; sioner of Public Safety or agents of the com- mises during any time reasonable and <br />missioner, or the Commissioner of Revenue necessary to conduct lawful gambling on <br />The lessor of the premises, his or her or agents of the commissioner, and law en~ the premises and as agreed upon in this <br />immediate family, and any agents or forcement personnel to inspect the premises lease; I <br />employees of the lessee may not partici, at any reasonable time, and permit the <br />pate as players in the conduct of lawful organization to conduct lawful gambling at The lessor shall not modify, terminate or <br />gambling on the leased premises; the premises according to the terms of this refuse to renew this lease in whole or in <br />lease, The lessor may not impose any con- part because the organization reported I <br />The lessor and the lessee do not have a ditions on the organization regarding dis, to a state or local law enforcement au, <br />direct or indirect financial interest in the tributors of gambling equipment. services, thority or the Board the occurrence at the <br />distribution or manufacture of gambling or the use of profits; site of illegal gambling activity in which I <br />equipment the organization did not participate; and <br />The lease shall be terminated for any illegal <br />The organization must obtain an organi, gambling violations occurring on the pre, <br />zation license. gambling manager license mises; The organization must have, at the gam- I <br />and a premises permit from the Gam- bling premises, a current inventory of <br />bling Control Board, The organization The organization will be responsible for en- gambling equipment, a sketch with di- <br />will be responsible for complying with the surlng that the lessor's business activities mensions of the premises available for I <br />laws and rules of lawful gambling; are not conducted on the leased premises; review, and a clear physical separation <br />or divider between the lessee's gambling <br />The term of the lease shall be concur, equipment and thE> lessor's business I <br />rent with the premises permit; equipment. <br /> <br />List any other conditions or restrictions that will be Included as part of the lease, <br />Attach additional sheets if necessary, Be sure b:>~arties date and initial any attachment to this I ase, ..-II <br />',T' 1\."- A- V\'\,Q,lil't'S of-I", e. P;V<e. ""0 \.llLf ~5',0" <!.r . <br /> <br />B,'V\~{\ .s:e.ssot\u)~l(b~ m,a.)...",--fov- o:t1'Ltle._<; A-,,"'-/o,..c.(~<i.IAIJ~ I <br /> <br />L~ e.c II.., p"-'fc-ldl!. 't;VF-t\A""r. <br /> <br />t:::'\(h,\6;-r' fl"fV1Q'\t\ Floor-Plan" lAtto.Cc~eJ.., t~<; YNl.~l?"--ro..'r'\~ftht'" L",-,,-se... <br /> <br />Ex k; 6'\lR 'I.B"~J" -t:LJLR tt\Q.s" ntta c\^:~J.sVrcCc-)ua.PQI'T'n f tl,,!' 1 e "-.s~1 <br /> <br />This "lease is the total and only agreement ,be, tw, e, en" the les,'o, r and the organization conducting lawful gambling activities I <br />other than bingo and pull-tab dispeqsing devices. The~e is no other agreement and no o~er consideration require~ <br />between the parties as to the .lawful gambling and other matters related to this lease. .'Any changes in this lease must be <br />submitted to the Gambling Control Board 10 days prior to the effective date of the change, <br /> <br /> <br />]i~J;~)).";'6-3:~; ;;;:ZtJ;:;1J;;~'(~:,rh;" I <br /> <br />Print Name, a~d Title of Lessor Signatory Print Name and T~e of ~ Signatory I <br /> <br />~ .:i~fJu.j'; q'., 4;-6fR"r1,~""N f?f2:i. ",',.~ ,,,u <br />, '.", ' 'f'J ES PE J S? ,.-; 0 G6/ I <br /> <br />A copy of this lease and a sketch, with dimensions must be submitted with the premises permit application or . <br />premises permit application" renewal or when any changes in the lease agreement occur." <br />This publicatio~willbemadeavailableillalternativeformat (Le,largep!int, braille) \1l'onrequesC . , ".. ," '-" I <br />Questions on this form'should be directed to the Licensing Section orthe Gambling Control BOard at (612)639-4000. <br />If you use a TrY, you can calI us using the MinnesQta Relay Service at (612) 297-5353.or 1-800-627,3529 and ask <br />them to place a calI to (612) 639-4000, " " " , .. <br />The information requested on, thisfoffil will b~ used by the G",:,bling .C?~trol Board (Gc.B) to de!ermine your compli- <br />ance with Minnesota Statues and rules governmg lawful gamblmg activllles, All of the information that you supply on <br />this form will become public information when received by the GCB, <br />, '''',' .., ,. "-,"" -- .,,, -"""""" ----- "......... I <br />