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<br /> 'f (y I <br /> I <br /> Suggestion. Boats, Trailers and Ulility Vehicles. Exterior storage of <br /> boats, trailers and utility vehicles is not permitted in any .. <br /> residential district, except as regulated in Section VI, I(; I. <br /> Pg. VI-17, Sec. VI, G, 6, a. Location of Principal Buildings and Landscaping. No principal building shall <br /> be located within seventy-five (75) reet or the high waterline and at least I <br /> seventy.five (75) percent of said seventy-five (75) feet shall be landscaped or <br /> left in its natural state. <br /> Comment. The Zoning Ordinance in Section VI. C, I d, regulates the I <br /> required setback from lakes. As example. the setback for <br /> Lake Josephine (in Section VI, C, I, d) is 50 feet and this I <br /> section would prescribe a 75 foot setback. Also, as example <br /> Valentine Lake has a setback or 150 feet (in Section VI, C, <br /> I, d) and this section would prescribe a 75 foot setback. To <br /> avoid confusion, the Staff would suggest that Section VI, C, I <br /> I, d, regulate lakeshore setbacks and this section regulate <br /> lakeshote landscaping, <br /> Suggestion. L{)ca:i(J,! Jf}) i,U:tPd: B;.i1di,igJ (id.! Lakeshore Landscaping. I <br /> ~!o l'Hirll::il'3filbtlilaifi~ :lhnll be loeatul ovithin Jt:.erlt) fi,e <br /> (75) fat 5f tl.< hioh ..flEerline ami at Alleast seventy-five <br /> (75) percent or >aid 3<. eht) Ii. e (75) fat the reouired I <br /> lakeshore setback shall be landscaped or left in its natural <br /> state. <br /> Pg. IX-I, Sec. IX, A. 2. INTENT. ~ <br /> 1. NOllconformillg Use of Land or Buildillgs. A nonconforming use of <br /> land or buildings may be continued subject to [he provisions of this I <br /> section, but it is the intent of this ordinance not to encourage its <br /> survival because of its incompatibility with permiued uses in the <br /> zoning district in which it is located. I <br /> 2. NOllc01lformillg Buildillgs. A nonconforming building found to be <br /> non-conforming because of height, setbacks or lot area, may continue I <br /> to exist so long as it is used for purposes permitted in the zoning <br /> district in which it is located. Because its incompatibility is merely <br /> technical in nature it shall be exempt rrom the provisions of this <br /> Section. I <br /> Comment. This statement would appear to exempt everything that the <br /> section is attempting to regulate. If this interpretation is I <br /> correct, then this statement should be deleted. <br /> Suggestion. 2. NOllcollformi1lg Buildi1lgs. A nonconrorming <br /> building found to be non-conforming because of I <br /> height, setbacks or lot area, may continue to exist so <br /> long as it is used for purposcs permittcd in the <br /> zoning district in which it is located. Beeatile itl I <br /> ifle6fl-,patibilit:) lJ ..lEnl) tcchnia..lln ..attld it 3h8.11 <br /> be exelupt fiald the pro, iJiem 5f {hi, Scetian. <br /> .. <br /> I <br />