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<br />__.._.._._._....._..__.._.._ __,. __.'d.. ..'-"--' ......--..... ,h'__ ._h 'I <br /> <br /> <br />~1 I <br /> <br /> <br />E. Street Il1IDrovements. Street improvements include .. <br />eubgrade preparation, gravel base, bituminous <br />surfacing and bituminous curb. <br /> <br />1. Unusable material within the roadway shall be I <br />removed by ",h'~ (.;evel':>per. <br /> <br />2. All subgrade ex~avalion and filling shall be <br />completed by t.h" Dev<!loper in accordance with I <br />MNDOT's specifications. The City reserves the <br />right to teet as necessary, at the Developer' s <br />expense, all grading work. A test roll of the <br />street subgrade shall be passed prior to I <br />acceptance of the subgrade by the city. <br /> <br />3. Subgrade and the initial course of street I <br />imp!:ovemente shall be completed by October 31, <br />1997. The final wear cou!:se of the street <br />improvement shall be completed by June 30, <br />_ 1998. ._ ,." I <br /> <br />F. Non-DeveloDer Utility IDlDrovements. uti:U,ty" <br />.. im. provements include underground gas, electric; and ' . I <br />- telephone service as installed by the appropriate <br />utllitycompl\nv ;.':.-ti'" d::,'sction of the Developer. <br /> <br />1. The Developer s111.11 arrange for the ~ <br />installation of unC:erground gas, electric, <br />telephone and cable tv after the first lift of <br />asphalt is complete but before the final lift <br />is started. I <br /> <br />2. Non-Developer Utility improvements shall be <br />completed by November 15, 1997. I <br /> <br />G. LandscaDin<l/Erosion Control. Developer shall <br />provide the landscaping and erosion control:" <br />improvements described herein. Landscaping shall I <br />continue to be the responsibility of the Developer <br />even after lots have been sold. <br /> <br />1. The Developer shall preserve trees as shown 'on I <br />the tree preservation plan attached as Exhibit <br />D. ' . <br /> <br />2. Developer. shall seoa or sod all disturbed I <br />areas outside' of the street right-of-way <br />within tell (101 days of completion of grading. <br /> <br />3. Developer shall be responsible for installing I <br />and maintaining erosion control measures as <br /> <br />2 I <br />'.. .. <br />'. I <br />