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<br /> ..... "-'-'.~'. '. .............,_Y.' .. ''-l.'. ...........'......~.l ~..- ...'-'''' '..."'.... .' ~ <br /> .........,.......... ~1'-'\...JU., . .'-1....'. ...........__....... v v ~, <br /> I' 3/1 <br /> 1 required by the City.'.s Consulting Engineer tlnd <br /> ~ with the preiiminarr and final grading emd <br /> erosion control plans attached as Exhibits B <br /> and C. <br /> 4. Landscaping improvements Shall be completed by <br /> I June 30, 1998. <br /> 4.02 Administrative Fees. Developer agrees to reimburse the <br /> I City for all Costs and consulting fees which it incurs in <br /> reviewing the development of Red Oak Ridge and in <br /> supervising the cOmpletion of the improvements required <br /> by this Agreement. <br /> I 4.03 <br /> 1 Imorovement. Estimated <br /> Cos1;, <br /> I Site Grading $27,000 ~t - - ~ ---- < <br /> Sanitary Sewer $10,000 <br /> _. Water Main $11,500. . -_. <br /> , . <br /> 1 - ,Drainage Improvements $ 5,500 <br /> Street 'Improvements $31,500 <br /> Administrative Fees\lnspection $ 4.500 <br /> Ie SUBTOTAL: $90,000 <br /> + 25'$ $22,500 <br /> TOTAL AMOUNT OF SECURITY REQUIREO $112,500 <br /> 1 4.04 Imorovement Security. Prior to the City's endorsement of <br /> approval on the final plat, the Developer shall deposit <br /> security with the City Administrator in an amount equal <br /> to 125% of the City's Engineer's estimate of the cost of <br /> 1 constructing the required imprqvements and payment of any <br /> administrative feES :::eql~.iT.~d IvL:-ein. The secu:dty m,aYbe <br /> in the fonn of a cash escrow fund, d performance bond, or <br /> 1 a letter of credit. The fo::-m of security shal1 be <br /> approved by the City Attorney. , '.....'1' <br /> . <br /> 4.05 Reduction of Security. Upon completion of required.~ <br /> I improvements and acceptance by the City, the City Council <br /> shall redUce the amount of security for the completed <br /> improvements provided that in no case shaH the total <br /> remaining- sec:urii:y be equal to less than 125% of the <br /> I estimated costs of the incomplete improvements and of the <br /> estimated and unpaid administrative fees. <br /> I <br /> 1 3 <br /> .- " <br /> , <br /> I . . <br />