<br /> _11,/'1<
<br /> ~ Welsh Development Co. is proposing a first class design, with first class exterior materials, but not
<br /> limited to stone, brick and glass as contemplated by the Zoning Ordinance. Furthermore, as is evident in
<br /> the architectural plans, that the high quality and good design of the proposed project, with its
<br /> I monumental entries, choice of colors, landscaping and architectural glass and brick detail, be accepted.
<br /> It is a high quality and economically feasible alternative.
<br /> . Welsh Development Company has made genuine effort to work with the design, configuration,
<br /> landscaping and other key provisions of the Gateway Business District Special Requirements. In fact, in
<br /> addition to the modified but very attractive finishes, design, access and landscaping presented, Welsh
<br /> I Development Co. has provided approximately $100,000 in additional exterior upgrades to both the
<br /> facade of the building as well as the landscaping and visual presentation to surrounding prop"erties and
<br /> streets.
<br /> I The proposed building is an unusually attractive building for its product type (office/warehouse). Its
<br /> design is reflective of not only the Gateway Business District and its zoning provisions, but also to the
<br /> I history, circulation and sight lines of the area.
<br /> Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W)
<br /> .. The proposed Gateway Business Center development surpasses the threshold requirement for
<br /> commerciallWarehouse developments as defined by the MN Environmental Review Board, MN Rule
<br /> . 4410.4300, subp. 14., to require a mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W). The EA W
<br /> publication date was June 2,1997, allowing for a 30-day comment period which ended on July 3,1997.
<br /> Based on the findings and conclusions of the EA Wand comments received, a negative decision was
<br /> I made by the City (the RGU) regarding the need for a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
<br /> Ecolol!icallv Sensitive Resources
<br /> I The spatial distribution of resources, such as wetlands, on and around the site precludes total avoidance
<br /> of impacts by a feasible and prudent project. This project has proposed to acquire contiguous parcels in
<br /> order to facilitate the master planning of the site in order to allow as much flexibility as possible in
<br /> I accommodating the physical constraints of the area. Through the wetland sequencing and master
<br /> planning process, the project has been designed to have minimal impacts on resources while fulfilling
<br /> only the project requirements.
<br /> .
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> September 17, 1997 for Welsh Development Co., LLC
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