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<br /> ')/~ I <br /> . <br /> Wetland & Water Resource ImDacts . <br /> -. <br /> A total of 1.62 acres of wetland will be filled by the project. Per regulation by Minnesota's Wetland <br /> Conservation Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the site design has undergone wetland <br /> sequencing to avoid and minimize impacts, and no filling activities will occur with out concurrent <br /> mitigation. The wetland sequencing reviewed the project design to see if any "prudent and feasible" I <br /> alternatives exist. This review also makes a determination as to whether the project could have <br /> reasonably be done at another site or on adjacent lands to avoid impacts, The proposed project <br /> configuration was determined to be the preferred alternative by minimizing wetland impacts. The I <br /> project is currently involved in the Watershed District and Corps of Engineers permitting processes. <br /> Land Use Mana!!ement Concerns I <br /> - <br /> The site is subject to MN DNR's shoreland management district. An additional conservation easement is <br /> proposed along this shoreline. The slopes and elevation along the shoreline are such that they present I <br /> possible erosion and scenic view issues, This part of the site has been avoided to minimize impacts, <br /> Water Oualitv I <br /> The proposed development will increase the storm water runoff due to the increased area of impervious <br /> surfaces. Runoff will be directed to several retention basins and the discharge rates off the site will be I <br /> limited to pre-developed rates. By pre-treating the storm water in ponds before discharge into the City <br /> storm sewer and Round Lake the nutrient and sediment load of the discharge will not adversely affect the <br /> quality of the receiving waters. eI <br /> Traffic. Vehicle-Related Air Emissions. and Traffic Noise ImDacts <br /> The project will add 550 parking spaces, generating an estimated total Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of . <br /> 5,106 trips. Estimated maximum peak hour traffic generated is 802 trips on weekdays at 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. <br /> The results of the traffic capacity analyses indicate that the project will have no significant impact on the <br /> signalized intersection at County Highway 96 and Round Lake Road. No mitigative measures need to be I <br /> taken to effectively accommodate trips to and from the proposed project. <br /> Sensitive Resources I <br /> A Cultural Resources Assessment was performed on the site to evaluate any potential archeological, <br /> historical, or architectural resources. Field investigation resulted in the identification of one non- I <br /> significant historic farmstead with two structures still standing, and one prehistoric archaeological site. <br /> The prehistoric site is located on the small peninsula on the southwestern shore of Round Lake. Though <br /> the knoll on the peninsula is likely of natural origin, artifacts relating to the manufacture or maintenance I <br /> of stone tools were observed on the knoll and in a subsurface test to the east. The site appears to be <br /> small, but intact. The survey recommended that the site is significant for its potential to yield <br /> information important to history or prehistory. Due to this recommendation, the site plan has been I <br /> modified so that the archeological site will not be impacted. The Minnesota Historical Society made a <br /> "no properties" finding within the area of potential effect for the project under Section 106 of the <br /> National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. I <br /> HKS ASSOCIATES, INC. Page 1I GATEWAY BUSINESS CENTER -- <br /> September 17,1997 for Welsh Development Co.; LLC <br /> ~ ,m', ,,,,,,,,,,,,. <br /> l.\"I,~'_Vl', A~l'l1nl"'-l'l'lU <br /> . f."..\ ;a":"_\lf~n.t: ~~K\ln:~ . <br /> " ~;,~.. "1.\.,:,-,:0;.. <br /> , n",,.,,,'n':<_I,,.~E)l."lCF$ <br />