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CCP 10-27-1997
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CCP 10-27-1997
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<br />, <br />I , <br />I Case #97-21. Variance. Ben Sharpe. 1124 Benton Way <br />.. A. Request. The applicant is requesting approval of a Variance for a house addition <br /> (Exhibit F). <br />I B. Background. The applicant wishes eliminate a 12 foot by 20 foot deck at the rear ofthe <br /> structure (facing Benton Way) and construct a 14 foot by 17 foot to 24 foot enclosed <br /> three season porch. The applicant also wished to a nine (9) foot by 18 foot sun room off <br />I of the south side of the structure. The sun room and the three season porch would abut <br /> one another at the southwest corner of the home. <br />I The Staff was able to find one variance request in the Hunters Park PUD with the <br /> assistance of Councilmember Malone (Exhibit G). Planning Case 86-35 was a request for <br /> an 465 square foot addition to the house at 1153 Benton Way (Lot 4, Block 3, Hunters <br />I Park). <br /> C. Planning Commission recommendation. The Planning Commission on October I, <br />I 1997 recommended approval ofa variance for a house addition at 1124 Benton Way, in <br /> Planning Case 97-21, subject to the following condition: <br />I I. Subject to the compliance with plans and specifications shown in Exhibit A of <br /> the Staff memorandum dated October 1, 1997. <br />.. D. Updates. None required. <br /> Case #97-22. Variances - front and side yard setbacks. Dave Monson and Marv <br />I Hirschboeck. 1175 Edl!:ewater Avenue <br /> A. Request. The applicant is requesting approval of a side yard Variance for an attached <br />I garage addition (12.5 feet proposed when 40 feet is required) and house addition (10.1 <br /> feet proposed, when 40 feet is required) and a front yard setback Variance for a deck (30 <br /> feet proposed, when 40 feet is required) (Exhibit H). <br />I B. Background. The applicant wishes construct an attached two car garage (20 feet in <br /> width and 20 feet in depth) on the north side of the house to replace an existing one car <br />I tuck under garage which is located at the southeast corner of the house. The attached two <br /> car garage is proposed to be 12.5 feet from the right-of-way when 40 feet (side yard <br />I setback - street) is required. <br /> The applicant also wishes to construct a 16 foot wide and 12 foot deep addition to the <br />I west side of the home. The addition would consist of six foot by six foot vestibule on a <br /> 12 foot by 16 foot deck. The deck would be nine (9) feet from the right-of-way when 40 <br /> feet (side yard setback - street) is required. The vestibule would be 16 feet from the right- <br />I of-way when 40 feet (side yard setback - street) is required. <br /> Lastly, the applicant wishes to construct a ten (10) foot by ten (10) foot deck off of the <br />.. south side of the home. The deck would be 29.5 feet from the right-of-way when 40 feet <br /> (front yard setback) is required. <br />I <br />------- <br />
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