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PCP 08-02-2006
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PCP 08-02-2006
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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 12, 2006 6 , <br />Commissioner Larson stated since they have two driveway accesses now onto New . <br />Brighton Road, separate driveways on Lots I and 2 would have no net gain and he did <br />not believe the County would have any objection to have these two accesses. <br />Commissioner Larson noted in prior discussions, Lot 1 was a problem lot because of all <br />of the retaining walls. He asked with this new proposal, would all of the retaining walls <br />be replaced or only sclected walls. Mr. Lelmhoffresponded he was not sure which walls <br />were being kept and replaced, but he knew the applicant had been in discussions with the <br />neighbors to address their cone ems. He stated the applicant should be able elaborate <br />more on their discussions with the neighbors. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked if the preliminary grading and crosion control plan had <br />been approved by the City Engineer. Mr. Lehnhoff responded the City Engineer had <br />approved this. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked if Rice Creek Watershed had reviewed the application <br />but had approved it yet. Mr. Lelmhoff responded it had not been approved yet, but after <br />his review of the information, it did not appear there were any major obstacles. <br />Chair Sand opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. <br />Chair Sand invited anyone for or against the request to come forward and make . <br />comment. <br />Mr. Gilbert, 3707 New Brighton Road, property owner to the north of this development, <br />stated he has spoken with the applicant regarding the rctaining wall and he believed all of <br />the ideas they came up with would work. He summarized the ideas they had looked at <br />with respect to the retaining walls. He indicated the applicant had gone through a lot of <br />effort to address his concerns and he believed this plan was a great improvement over the <br />first plan and he believed it would work. He stated he was not in opposition to this <br />proposal. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked if Mr. Gilbert had any concerns with respect to timing as <br />to when the retaining wall would be addressed. Mr. Gilbert stated if this wasn't <br />addressed as part of the project itself, that would be a concern because the new <br />homeowner might not have an agreement with him as to what was going to be done, and <br />if the wall was tom down, there would be erosion. <br />Mr. Lelmhoff noted that regardless of any conditions, the applicant could not cause <br />erosion damage to the adjacent properties. <br />Chair Sand noted there were no conditions with respect to the retaining wall. He asked if <br />they needed to address it. Mr. Lehnhoff responded this could be added as a condition. <br />He suggested the following language: Applicant shall submit a signed agreement with <br />the property owner regarding the retaining wall plan. . <br />
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