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01-28-03 PTRC Minutes
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PTRC Minutes (1999 to Present)
01-28-03 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes 4 <br /> January 28,2003 <br /> - .:. Include the lead participants when announcing the program. <br /> .:. Determine ways to tie sponsorship with real financial support. <br /> .:. Determine a format for presentation to Council. <br /> .:. Identify projects prior to presenting plan to Council. <br /> .:. Utilize aud incorporate projects already identified within the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> .:. Encourage involvement and create visibility for the program by utilizing <br /> newspapers, bulletins and newsletters. <br /> .:. Committee Member Thompson will contact Ray McGraw and Jim Cassidy for <br /> feedback and pointers on how to approach the request for sponsorship. <br /> .:. Invite Ray McGraw to the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. <br /> .:. Mr. Moore will provide Committee members with a list of identified priorities <br /> and projects that would include associated costs for their review. <br /> 6. 2003 BUDGET <br /> Mr. Moore provided the Committee with an update on the 2003 budget issues. He stated that the <br /> budget is in a critical situation. He explained that they had initially planned for a 50% reduction <br /> from the State noting that if the State comes back with a higher percentage they would have <br /> e funding problems from the General Fund. <br /> He reviewed the following issues with the Committee: <br /> .:. The play structures at Valentine Park and Royal Hills could be delayed or cut. He <br /> noted that this item had also been cut from last year's budget. He stated that the <br /> structure should be replaced. He explained that they have two options to <br /> consider. Determine the need for the play structures and recommend purchase to <br /> Council to be paid from the Park Fund. He further stated that they could opt not <br /> to replace the structures and place it back on the list for next year. He explained <br /> that the play structures at Royal Hills and Valentine Park are the only two play <br /> structures in the City that are not up to code. He stated that City Staff has asked <br /> that this request for purchase be put on hold until April, pendiug the State's <br /> decision. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller clarified his understanding that the play structures could still be <br /> replaced if funding comes from the Park Fund. He expressed concerns stating that they have two <br /> potential liabilities at the park adding that they have an obligation to the Community to keep the <br /> park equipment up to code standards. He stated that the funding for replacement should come <br /> from the Park Fund not the General Fund. <br /> The Committee discussed possible options for funding and agreed by consensus to focus on <br /> . replacing the park structure for Royal Hills Park. Mr. Moore explained that they are <br /> recommending a hold on the play structure at Valentine Park until a builder has been determined. <br /> He further explained that replacement of the structure is scheduled for next year. The Committee <br /> agreed by consensus to hold on replacement of the play structure at Valentine Park. <br />
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