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09-23-03 PTRC Minutes
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09-23-03 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Miuutes <br /> September 23, 2003 <br /> Page 10 of 11 <br /> . timeframe. He stated that HCM believes that this would be a good time to place the project out <br /> for bids as this is when they can get a reasonable bid amount and reviewed the bid process with <br /> the Committee. He stated that the project would be funded from the Park Fund and that City <br /> Council has already approved $350,000 for the project. <br /> 9. PERRY PARK WISHLIST FOR FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS <br /> A. Trail/Step connections with lower level swamp lift road <br /> Mr. Moore stated that it would be good to get an ADA approved connection to Perry Park and <br /> down to Swamp Lift Road. He reviewed the advantages with the Committee. He stated that the <br /> proposal would be reviewed by Engineering to ensure that all legal requirements are met and that <br /> they are in compliance with ADA standards. <br /> B. Berm removal, north side, fields #3 and #4 <br /> Mr. Moore stated that these are CIP items that would not come out of the Park Fund. He <br /> clarified that all of this is a part of the CIP Plan noting that Staff has submitted the proposal for <br /> City Council review and approval. <br /> . Committee Member Thompson referenced the park sign noting that they can no longer see the <br /> Lindey Park sign. She asked if there is a plan to move the plantings to improve the view of the <br /> sign. Mr. Moore explained that the plants would be moved next year to another location. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller suggested a garden area around the sign. He stated that it would <br /> really perk up the landscaping and improve the view of the sign. Mr. Moore confirmed that there <br /> is a planting project identified for this area that would take place next year. He explained that the <br /> Committee would be involved in the Adopt a Park Sign program and would be involved in <br /> planting the area. He stated that each park would adopt their sign noting that a half moon area <br /> would be used to landscape around the signs with perennial flowers. <br /> 10. NEXT MEETING AGENDA <br /> Mr. Moore stated that the following items would be included as agenda items for the next PTRC <br /> meeting in October: <br /> . Band shell Update <br /> . Cummings Park Shelter Update <br /> . Perry Park Shelter Update <br /> . Mr. Moore reminded the Committee that phase II of the Buckthorn removal has been scheduled <br /> for October 25, 2003. <br />
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