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09-23-03 PTRC Minutes
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09-23-03 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meetiug Minutes <br /> September 23, 2003 <br /> Page 9 ofll <br /> . curve adding that it would be a cost to the City to straighten out the curve. He stated that they <br /> have done a great job at Cummings in creating awareness on the entrance and how to enter the <br /> park. He noted that they now have a stop light entrance to the park and that it would be labeled <br /> Cummings Park Drive. <br /> 8. PERRY PARK SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS <br /> Mr. Moore reviewed the immediate and long term plans with the Committee. <br /> A. 2003 FalI- ADA Work, Drainage, Berm Removal <br /> Mr. Moore explained that Council has approved a CIP budget of approximately $50,000 and that <br /> work would begin shortly. He stated that the ADA is working to provide a ramp up to the <br /> ballparks and that they plan to improve the drainage on fields #1 and #2 and that the berm would <br /> be r!oved. He stated that the recommendations would be presented at the next Council <br /> meet. g. <br /> B. 2004 - Park Facility <br /> Mr. Moore stated that a meeting was held with Hagen, Christianson and McGlynn and reviewed <br /> . with the Committee. He reviewed costs with the Committee noting that they were told nothing <br /> could exceed $350,000. He stated that as a starting point, the estimate came in at $441,000 and <br /> that based on discussions they have an understanding that the entire project cannot exceed <br /> $350,000. He referenced the timeline provided in the memo noting that this includes everything <br /> that has to be completed in order to begin construction. He reviewed with the Committee stating <br /> that it is their desire to have a facility on top of the hill that is very similar to the Tony Schmidt <br /> Park facility. He stated that there has been some resistance from HCM with respect to having a <br /> copy cat building and that HCM would like to design something a bit different that would make <br /> the building more unique. He stated that this is the beginning of the process and assured the <br /> Committee that Staff would keep them updated with timelines and progress reports. He stated <br /> that they would try to include them as an agenda item at the October PTRC meeting. <br /> Committee Member Henry noted that the exterior of the building is a siding material and asked <br /> for further clarification. Mr. Moore clarified that one of their recommendations is a siding that <br /> would be a combination of stained wood and stone noting that they have not gotten to the point <br /> where a final decision has been made regarding the exterior materials. Committee Member <br /> Henry stated that it would be nice to consider a design element that distinguishes the building but <br /> follows along the same structural design. <br /> Mr. Moore suggested that the Committee review the plans in preparation for the October PTRC <br /> meeting. He stated that construction would begin in May with the intent that it would be up and <br /> . running within 20 weeks, if the PTRC, the Parks and Recreation Department and City Council <br /> are in agreement. He noted that HCM has stated that this would be a very realistic goal to meet <br /> and has indicated that they are going to place the project out for bids in the January/February <br />
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