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CCP 02-09-1998
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CCP 02-09-1998
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<br /> I <br /> I. ALTERNATIVE B <br /> I Descriotion <br /> The project includes the construction of a gravity sanitary sewer main extending from the current <br /> I location of Lift Station #11 south approximately 4,100 feet to connect to an existing 21 inch city <br /> interceptor sewer recently constructed along 14th Street N.E. The gravity sewer main would be <br /> I constructed with 10 inch diameter PVC pipe and would include manholes approximately every <br /> 300 feet. The sewer would require casing pipe under Highway 96 in order to allow for future <br /> maintenance and repair without disruption to Highway 96. The pipeline would run along the <br /> I east side of Round Lake Road and connect to an existing manhole at the intersection of 14th <br /> Street and Round Lake Road. The depth of the sewer would range from 20 to 28 feet from <br /> existing grade. <br /> I It is assumed that the gravity sewer would be constructed in conjunction with the reconstruction <br /> of West Round Lake Road and Highway 96. Constructing the sewer with the roadway project <br /> I would allow costs associated with pavement removal, traffic control and restoration of pavement <br /> and boulevard to be charged to the roadway improvements therefore lowering the costs for the <br /> sewer project. Based upon recent sanitary sewer construction in the project area it is anticipated <br /> I that dewatering would be required in the trench during construction. Estimated construction <br /> costs included with this report assume dewatering of the trench. <br /> ,- Exhibits 3 and 5 illustrate the alignment and typical section of Alternative B. <br /> Capitalized Cost Calculation <br /> , Costs associated with the gravity sewer main include the initial construction cost and periodic <br /> maintenance costs over the 60 year design life. Maintenance costs include labor costs for City <br /> I staff as well as costs for maintenance services which may be performed under contract in the <br /> future. Actual amounts utilized in the cost comparison are based upon current wage rates for <br /> City maintenance personnel and current costs for contracted cleaning and sealing services. <br /> I Maintenance costs assume that City staff will clean the sewer main once every five years and <br /> that each cleaning would require 32 man-hours. Equipment costs for cleaning have not been <br /> I included. It is assumed that the City would contract televising, cleaning and joint testing and <br /> sealing for the sewer main at year 30. <br /> I Initial Construction Cost (1998 dollars) = $389,125.00 <br /> 'Construction Cost does not include any soil correction costs. <br /> I City Maintenance Cost (1998 dollars) - expended at five year intervals <br /> City Staff 48 Hr @ $25 .00/Hr = $1,200.00 <br /> I Contract Maintenance Cost (1998 dollars) - expended at year 30 <br /> ,- Televising and Cleaning 4,100 ft@$1.00/ft=$4,100.00. <br /> Joint Testing and Sealing 4,100 ft@ $2.50$/ft = $10.250.00. <br /> Total Contract Maintenance Costs = $14,350.00 <br /> , 4 <br />
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