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<br />Trail Access Areas <br />The budget this year includes upgrades to three trail access areas. The improvements will result e <br />in an eight foot wide bituminous trail at Edgewater Avenue, Jerrold Avenue, and Katie Lane. <br />The Parks and Recreation Commission and staff meet with area residents in 1996 to discuss these <br />possible upgrades. The meeting was held at the request of several residents who wanted the trail <br />access easements paved. All of the residents in attendance at the meeting were in favor of paving <br />the easements. I did get calls from two individuals who live next to the area expressing a <br />concern that paving the areas would increase the use of the trail easement. It was the <br />recommendation ofthe Commission to pave these areas. <br />I would like some direction from the Council on how to notify residents that the areas will be <br />paved this Spring/Summer. The residents who attended the meeting are aware the change, but <br />those who did not choose to attend may not know. <br />Trail and Park Comprehensive Plan <br />1 have been working with Kathy O'Connell from MFRA on writing the Parks and Trail portion <br />of the City Comprehensive Plan. I will be meeting with adjoining cities to incorporate in the <br />necessary trail connections. I will also be meeting with Bethel College in hopes of including the <br />trail around Valentine Lake into our plan. My hope is that they will upgrade that trail. <br />Communitv Gardens <br />I will again be coordinating the volunteer planting and weeding of the area flower gardens. I am <br />also looking into the possibility of planting some variety of perennials, native grasses and wild <br />flowers in some of the City Park areas. There are three residents who are interested in working . <br />with me on some additional plantings in our natural areas. <br />Recreation Program Re\,ort <br />* The ice rinks officially closed on Monday, February 16. We were open as often as possi1:rle <br />given the weather conditions. <br />* The Spring Recreation Guide was mailed the week of February 9. <br />* After school programs starting in February include; Awesome Art adventure, Cartoon Capers, <br />Creative Cupid Class, and Sports Hour. <br />* Registration for 1998 Adult Summer Softball Leagues has begun. <br />* Tracy is working on adult softball, summer brochure and programming, Day in the Park, Easter <br />Egg Hunt. <br />I have attached a copy of the 1997 Program Fund Participation. <br />Park Maintenance '. <br />The maintenance staff will continue to work on preparing picnic tables, trash barrels, facilities, <br />and equipment for Spring. They will be able to paint the inside of all of the warming shelters <br />and make all necessary repairs. They will not be changing over the equipment from winter to <br />summer until the end of March when we are sure that winter is over. <br />Enclosure: 1 <br />2 . <br />