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<br />- --------- <br />.--.- ------- ---- <br />2 ~, J SOVEREIGNlY, JUlUSDlcnON 1.044 <br />. and officers % Subd. 3. Conditions and reservations. The right of the state to cause its civil and . <br />on boundary :$; criminal process to be executed in any ceded land or place is reserved to the state. The <br /> " state also reserves the right to impose the following taJI:es: <br /> . f:~ (A) an income taX on persons residing in the land or place or receiving income <br /> ~,' <br /> ;.~ from transactions occurring or services performed there; <br /> ,i..~ (B) a sales or use taJI: levied on or measured by sales, receipts from sales, purchases, <br />rcising juris- storage, or use of tangible personal propeny in the land or place; <br />f the bound- ~ (C) a taJI: on personal propeny situated in the land or place, or on the use of per- <br />od extended sonal propeny by a private individual, association, or corporation there, except per- <br /> sonal propeny owned by the United States or by law exempt from taXation; and <br /> (D) a taX on the use of real propeny within the land or place by a private individ- <br /> ual, association, or corporation. <br />TATES. Histor)': 1943 c 343 s 2; Ex1959 c 85 s 3,4; 1984 c 628 art 1 s 1 <br />thejurisdic- NOTE: Extra Session Laws 1959, Chapter 85, Section S, relating [0 subdivisions 2 and 3 reads: ~Sections 3 and 4 <br /> shall not be construed as validating any purponed ceding of jurisdiction hert:tofore made:, induding any ceding ofjurisdic- <br />for national tioo where such jurisdiction was oot required by or under the constitution or laws of the United States," <br />tate to cause <br />ins! its laws 1.043 JURISDICTION, WHEN TO VEST, <br />peny of the The jurisdiction granted or ceded to the United States over any place in the state <br /> under sections 1.041 or 1.042 shall not vest until the United States has acquired the <br />1 efWlSe pro- title to or right of possession of the premises affected, and shall continue only while the <br />of any land United States owns or occupies them for the purposes to which the jurisdiction apper- <br />la1 purpose, tains as specified in those sections or until the United States relinquishes to the state <br />~onCllrrence full or partial jurisdiction under section 1.0431. <br />the Consti- History: 1943 c 343 s 3; 1977 c 125 s 1; 1984 c 628 art 1 s 1 <br />ion and the <br />ont with the 1.0431 RETROCESSION. <br />authorized Subdivision 1. General power. Notwithstanding any other law, all or any part of <br />1 map when the jurisdiction acquired by the United States over any land or place in the state under . <br />md method section 1.041 or 1.042 or any other statute may be retroceded to the state in the manner <br />l of acquisi~ provided in this section. <br />,e obtained Subd. 2. Offer; acceptance; recording. Retrocession of jurisdiction shall be initi- <br /> ated by written offer to the governor by an authorized officer of the United States <br />" interest in agency having supervision over the land. Retrocession shall not take effect until <br />toed before (a) the governor, after consulting with the governing bodies of counties or munici- <br /> palities where all or pan of the federal lands are situated, has accepted jurisdiction on <br />Is 1 behalf of the state, <br /> (b) a cenificate evidencing acceptance is filed with the secretary of state, and <br />Minnesota (c) a duplicate is recorded in the office ofthe county recorder of each county where <br /> the lands or any pan of them are situated. <br />, Section 8, Subd. 3. State and local jurisdiction. The jurisdiction ceded to the state under sub- <br />cnd or right division I shall be exercised by the appropriate state authorities and by the local gov- <br />uses, hospi- ernmental units where all or pan of the affected federal lands are situated. <br />ots, supply History: 1977 c 125 s 2; 1984 c 628 art 1 s 1 <br />. val camps, <br />eget ranges, 1.044 UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER WILD UFE AND FISH REFUGE. <br />xc1usive or Consent ufthe State of Minnesota is given to the acquisition by the United States <br />ltes for any by purchase, gift, or lease of the areas of land or water, or both, in this stale as the <br />Lzed officer United States deems necessary for the establishment of the Upper Mississippi River <br /> Wild Life and Fish Refuge in accordance with and for the purposes of the act of Con- <br />ates as pro- gress approved June 7, 1924, entitled ~An act to establish the Upper Mississippi River <br />ited States, <br />mises abut Wild Life and Fish Refuge: reserving to the state full and complete jurisdiction and <br />mdenvater authority over the areas compatible with their maintenance and control by the United <br />ulkhead or States for the purposes and under the terms of that act of Congress. <br /> History: 1943 C 343 s 4; 1984 c 628 art 1 s 1 <br /> , <br /> '" . <br /> .:,f: <br /> " <br />--------------- ------------ <br />
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