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<br /> . 4 <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> . MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: May 22, 1998 <br /> TO: Mayor and City Council <br /> " / .J <br /> FROl\l: Cindy S. Walsh, Parks and Recreation Director C) r <br /> SUBJECT: Right-of-Way Permit from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service <br /> Back~Tound <br /> In order to constmct a trail along the west side of Round Lake, it was necessary to align a <br /> segment of the trail on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife property. I have been working with staff from <br /> the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to acquire a right-of-way permit for trail construction since <br /> July of 1997. They have been supportive of our initiative to build a trail around Round Lake and <br /> would like to help with some interpretive signage once the entire trail is complete, <br /> Right-of-Way Permit Authorization <br /> The City of Arden Hills has received a right-of-way pem1it authorizing constmction and access <br /> across the westerly boundary of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge at Round Lake. <br /> . According to their regulations, a paymcnt for the use and occupancy of the right-of-way is <br /> required. Based on a fair market value appraisal, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decided that <br /> the right-of-way would have little or no effect on value. Therefore, there will not be a charge for <br /> the right-of-way use. Their regulations also indicate that costs incurred by the U.S. Fish and <br /> Wildlife Service for monitoring the permit need to reimbursed by the user, which in this case is <br /> the City of Arden Hills, The monitoring charge will be $20.00. <br /> Constmction can begin in this area once the permit has been signed by the City Administrator <br /> and the $20.00 monitoring charge has been paid. I anticipate that constmction will begin in June <br /> or July depending on Welsh Constmction's schedule. <br /> . <br /> Recommendation <br /> Staffrecommends that the City Council accept the right-of-way permit and authorize the City <br /> Administrator to sign the contract and pay the monitoring fee. <br /> Enclosure: 1 <br /> . <br />