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<br /> . .. <br /> United States Department of the Interior <br /> FISH AND WILDliFE SERVICE <br /> Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building . <br /> 1 Federal Drive <br /> ForI Snelling, MN 55111.4056 <br /> IN REPLY REFER TO- <br /> FWS/ARW-RE - Minnesota <br /> Minnesota Valley NWR <br /> Round Lake Unit <br /> (M-I) City of Arden Hills <br /> RIGHT -OF- WAY PERMIT <br /> For: Right of Way for Construction of and Access to a <br /> Pedestrian Trail on the West Side of Round Lake <br /> THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, through his authorized representative, the <br /> Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in accordance with applicable authorities, <br /> and in accordance with regulations published December 19, 1969, in 50 CFR 29.21, in <br /> consideration of the terms and conditions listed below, does hereby grant a permit to the City <br /> of Arden Hills, herein referred to as the permittee, to use and occupy certain lands of <br /> Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Round Lake Unit, Tract (91A), for the purpose of <br /> constructing of, and access to, a pedestrian trail to be 10 feet wide and 500 feet long for a <br /> period of 50 years from the date this permit is executed by the Regional Director, or as long as . <br /> the right-of-way is used for the purpose granted, commencing on the date signed by the <br /> Regional Director. <br /> The said lands are more particularly described as follows: <br /> Township Thirty (30) North. Range Twenty-three (23) West Fourth Principal <br /> Meridian Ramsey County, Minnesota: In Section twenty-one (21), a strip of land ten <br /> (10) feet wide (fifteen [IS] feet wide during construction), and five hundred sixty (560) <br /> feet long, more or less, along the westerly line of the following described tract: That <br /> portion of the south 30 acres of the Northwest Quarter (NW1I4) described as follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the south line of the south 30 acres of the Northwest Quarter <br /> (NW1I4), 2033.00 feet east of the southwest corner thereof; thence east to the southeast <br /> corner thereof; thence north to the northeast corner thereof; thence west along the north <br /> line of the south 30 acres of the Northwest Quarter (NW1I4) to a point, 1768.00 feet <br /> east of the northwest corner thereof; thence S.2804I'E. 559.7 feet, more or less, to the <br /> POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 8.4 acres, more or less. Trail area shown on <br /> yellow highlighted areas of "Exhibits A and B" which are attached hereto and made a <br /> part of this permit. <br /> By accepting this permit the permittee agrees to the following terms and conditions: <br /> . <br />