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<br /> r ~ <br /> . (1) To comply with State and Federal laws applicable to the project within which the <br /> permit is granted, and to the lands which are included in the permit area, and lawful existing <br /> regulations thereunder. <br /> (2) To clear and keep clear the lands within the permit area to the extent and in the <br /> manner directed by the refuge manager in charge; and to dispose of all vegetative and other <br /> material cut, uprooted, or otherwise accumulated during the construction and maintenance of <br /> the project in such a manner as to decrease the fire hazard and also in accordance with such <br /> instructions as the refuge manager may specify. <br /> (3) To prevent the disturbance or removal of any public land survey monument or <br /> project boundary monument unless and until the permittee has requested and received from the <br /> Regional Director approval of measures the permittee will take to perpetuate the location of <br /> aforesaid monument. <br /> (4) To take such soil and resource conservation and protection measures, including <br /> weed control on the land covered by the permit as the refuge manager in charge may request. <br /> (5) To do everything reasonable within their power, both independently and on <br /> request of any duly authorized representative of the United States, to prevent and suppress <br /> fires on or near lands to be occupied under the permit area, including making available such <br /> construction and maintenance forces as may be reasonably obtainable for the suppression of <br /> . such fires. <br /> (6) To rebuild and repair such roads, fences, structures, and trails as may be <br /> destroyed or injured by construction work and, upon request by the Regional Director, to build <br /> and maintain necessary and suitable crossings for all roads and trails that intersect the works <br /> constructed, maintained, or operated under the right-of-way. <br /> (7) To pay the United States the full value for all damages to the lands or other <br /> property of the United States caused by them or their employees, contractors, or agents of the <br /> contractors, and to indemnify the United States against any liability for damages to life, <br /> person, or property arising from the occupancy or use of the lands under the permit;-except <br /> where the permit is granted hereunder to a state or other governmental agency which has no <br /> legal power to assume such a liability with respect to damages caused by it to lands or <br /> property, such agency in lieu thereof agrees to repair all such damages. Where the permit <br /> involves lands which are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, the holders or <br /> their employees, contractors, or agents of the contractors, shall be liable to third parties for <br /> injuries incurred in connection with the permit area. Grants of permits involving special <br /> hazards will impose liability without fault for injury and damage to the land and property of <br /> the United States up to a specified maximum limit commensurate with the foreseeable risks or <br /> hazards presented. The amount of no-fault liability for each occurrence is hereby limited to no <br /> more than $1,000,000. <br /> . 2 <br />