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<br /> ~ , <br /> (8) To notify promptly the refuge manager in charge of the amount of merchantable . <br /> timber, if any, which will be cut, removed, or destroyed in the construction and maintenance <br /> of the project, and to pay the United States in advance of construction such sum of money as <br /> the refuge manager may determine to be the full stumpage value of the timber to be so cut, <br /> removed, or destroyed. <br /> (9) That all or any part of the permit granted may be suspended or terminated by <br /> the Regional Director for failure to comply with any or all terms and conditions of the grant, <br /> or for abandonment. A rebuttable presumption of abandonment is raised by deliberate failure <br /> of the holder to use for any continuous two-year period the permit for the purpose for which it <br /> was granted or renewed. In the event of noncompliance or abandonment, the Regional <br /> Director will notify in writing the holder of the permit of his intention to suspend or terminate <br /> such grant 60 days from the date of the notice, stating the reasons therefore, unless prior to <br /> that time the holder completes such corrective actions as are specified in the notice. The <br /> Regional Director may grant an extension of time within which to complete corrective actions <br /> when, in his judgment, extenuating circumstances not within the holder's control such as <br /> adverse weather conditions, disturbance to wildlife during breeding periods or periods of peak <br /> concentration, or other compelling reasons warrant. Should the holder of a right-of-way <br /> issued under authority of the Mineral Leasing Act, as amended, fail to take corrective action <br /> within the 60-day period, the Regional Director will provide for an administrative proceeding <br /> pursuant to 5 U. S. C. 554, prior to a final Departmental decision to suspend or terminate the <br /> permit. In the case of all other right-of-way holders, failure to take corrective action within <br /> the 60-day period will result in a determination by the Regional Director to suspend or . <br /> terminate the permit. No administrative proceeding shall be required where the permit <br /> terminates under its terms. <br /> (10) To restore the land to its original condition to the satisfaction of the Regional <br /> Director so far as it is reasonably possible to do so upon revocation and/or termination of the <br /> permit, unless this requirement is waived in writing by the Regional Director. Termination <br /> also includes permits that terminate under the terms of the grant. <br /> (11) To keep the refuge manager informed at all times of their address, and, in case <br /> of corporations, of the address of its principal place of business and the names and addre~ses <br /> of its principal officers. <br /> (12) That in the construction, operation, and maintenance of the project, they shall <br /> not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, <br /> color, or national origin and shall require an identical provision to be included in all <br /> subcontracts. <br /> (13) That the grant of the permit shall be subject to the express condition that the <br /> exercise thereof will not unduly interfere with the management, administration, or disposal by <br /> the United States of the land affected thereby. The permittee agrees and consents to the <br /> 3 . <br />