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<br /> . billboards (three faces) along Interstate 35W, if they would be permitted to add a face to the <br /> one of the billboards along Interstate 694 which had only one face. The City Council agreed <br /> to this as it provide the necessary property for the Welsh project and would reduce the <br /> number of billboards, from four to two, and would reduce the number of billboard faces from <br /> six to four. <br /> The City and Morris entered into a contract to effcctuate this agreement Morris' attorney <br /> questioned whether the City had the legal authority to carry out this agreement. The City's <br /> Attorney providcd a legal opinion which stated that the City did have the authority to carry <br /> out this agreement. Morris' attorneys disagreed with the opinion provided by the City <br /> Attorney. The City then agreed to include specific language in the Zoning Ordinance which <br /> would specifically provide for the elements of this agreement so that the City could close on <br /> the subject property. <br /> The modification is as follows: Any billboard located in the GB District may be expanded. <br /> altcred. relocated or othetwise modified solely upon written approval of the City. provided <br /> the expansion. alteration. relocation or modification is authorized by the Citv of Arden Hills <br /> in connection with a transaction which will result in a net reduction in the number of <br /> billboards or in the aggregate sign face area of the billboards. located within the GB District <br /> Deadline for Agency Actions, The City of Ardcn Hills received the complete application <br /> for this request on March 25, 1998. Pursuant to Minnesota Statc Statute the City must act <br /> . on this rcqucst by Friday, May 22, 1998 (60 days), unless the City provides the petitioner <br /> with written reasons for an additional 60 day review period. The additional review period <br /> would extend to Thursday, July 23, 1998. The City may with the petitioners consent extend <br /> the review period beyond the Thursday, July 23, 1998, date. <br /> Lastly, if the City denies the petitioners request, "... it must state in writing the reasons for <br /> the denial at the time that it denies the request." <br /> Recommendation. The Planning Commission in Planning Case 98-12 recommends <br /> approval of the amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, by striking Section VI, J, 2, b, (I) of <br /> the Zoning Ordinance and by amending Section VI, J, 2, b, (2) by striking the second word <br /> ("other") of sentence I. <br /> The Planning Commission also recommended in Planning Case 98-12 recommends approval <br /> of the amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, amending Section V, K, 5, g, (3) of the Zoning <br /> Ordinance as presented. <br /> Updates. None required. <br /> . <br />