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<br /> -------- <br /> Lastly, if the City denies the petitioners request, "... it must state in writing the reasons for . <br /> the denial at the time that it denies the request." <br /> Recommendation. The Planning Commission in Planning Case 98-15, Special Usc Permit <br /> (signage), subject to compliance with the plans in Exhibit A of the Staff memorandum dated <br /> May 6, 1998. <br /> Updates, None required. <br /> 5. Planning Case 98-12, City of Arden Hills, Zoning Ordinance - modifications (regulating <br /> parking of recreational vehicles and modifications tn billboards in the GBD) <br /> Request. The City of Arden Hills requests approval of two amendments to the Zoning <br /> Ordinance (Exhibit G). The first amendment would modify the length of time certain types <br /> ofrecreational vehicles can be parked in a driveway from 90 days to 10 days. The second <br /> amendment would allow existing billboards in the Gateway Business District (GBD) to be <br /> modified, with City approval, as long as the total number of billboards or billboard faces are <br /> rcduced. <br /> Background (Parking nf Certain Tvpes of Recreational V chicles) <br /> Previously, the City Council requested Staff to review the length of time certain types of <br /> recreational vehicles (ie" watercraft, snowmobiles, ATV's, etc.,) may be parked in a <br /> driveway. The concern that was previously express cd by the City Council was that the . <br /> existing regulation allows for certain types of recreational vehicles to be parked in a <br /> driveway for a 90 day period and then the applicant can receive another permit renewal for <br /> an additional 90 days. Thcreby, parking these recreational vehicles in a driveway for up to <br /> a half of a year (180 days). <br /> The City initiated request would modify Section VI, J, 2, b, (I), of the Zoning Ordinance to <br /> reduce the length of time certain types of recreational vehicles may be parked in a driveway <br /> with a permit (once renewable) from 90 days to 10 days. The modification would also <br /> correct a typographical error in the first sentence. <br /> The Planning Commission in reviewing this request concluded that all types of recreational <br /> vehicles should have similar restrictions on how long they should be parked in a driveway. <br /> To this end, the Planning Commission is recommending that the all of Section VI, J, 2, b, <br /> (I), of the Zoning Ordinance be struck and that the second word Cother") of sentence 1, be <br /> struck of Section VI, J, 2, b, (2) of the Zoning Ordinance (Exhibit H). <br /> Background (Modification of Billboards in the GBD) <br /> In facilitating the Welsh development Phases II, III, and IV of the GBD, the City acquired <br /> several properties in the area, One of these properties was owned by the Morris <br /> Communication Corporation (lla, Naegele) this particular property contained two billboards <br /> (three faces) along Interstate 35W, Morris Communications Corporation (Morris) also owns <br /> two billboards (three faces) along Interstate 694 in the GBD. Morris agreed to sell this . <br /> property to the City for a nominal price (approximately $25,000) and remove the two <br />