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<br /> FROM TRAMr1 9U[LDERS 2. P:::HL ,::R''; F'~.:Jt',E I'lO. 5.:.2 53.':; 52'aO .'~~.;l . .:.? :3<'3-3 a3: 19AI'-; <br /> , &~( 0 'I. <br /> 2..- <br /> . PARTY WALL DECLARATION <br /> WHEREAS, lohe unde.rsigned, M.a.r1y:a. R. Tramm and M., <br /> are lohe pre.sent title holders of the following described real. <br /> e.state... s:ituated in lohe County of Ra.Jnsey, State of Mi.nnesota., upon <br /> which there has been erected a twin home resi.dence, described as <br /> follows: <br /> Thalo part. of Lolo ~, B10ck ~, EDGEWATE:R. S OtTTII ADDITION, <br /> Ramsey COl.l..D..ty.. Minnesota lying southerly of lohe north <br /> 66.00 :feet. <br /> ALSO, <br /> The north 66.00 feet of Lot ~, B10ck ~, EDGEWA'I'ER. SOUTH <br /> ADDITION, Ra.m.sey Cou..c.ty, Mi.nnesota <br /> WHER.E.AS , in the sai.d constructi.on of said bui.lding there is a <br /> wa.ll dividing both of said residences: and <br /> WHEREAS, ilo is the int::.enti.onD of the 10""10 i.n the <br /> event of a nal.e or transfe.r of either or both of residences, <br /> that sai.d dividing wall shall remain in the Barne condi.tion for the <br /> use of any and a~~ subsequent purchasers; <br /> NOW THEREFORE_ for the purpose of declaring their intenti.on, <br /> the undersigned hereby sta.te: <br /> ~. Said d:lv:Lding wall shaJ.:L be a party wal~ for sai.d real. <br /> estate BO as both of said as new construc.ted ahall <br /> . not be mater.:i.al1y aJ.tered or changed. <br /> 2 . No sha~~ have the right to a.dd to or detract fro= <br /> person <br /> the party wall in any :m.a.nn er whatsoever, it being the intenti.on <br /> tb.a. 10 the party wall. shall at a~l remain in the sarne position <br /> as whan. erected. No peZ"son shaJ.J. have the right to make exterior <br /> stru.ct\.l.ra~ c.ha.nges to the building or alter the col.or of <br /> lohe without the wr.itten consent:. of both of the then- <br /> exi.sting owners. <br /> 3 . In the e-ve.nt of dam.age or destructi.on of said waJ.1 from. <br /> any cause, other than the negl:igence of e:ither party theret.o_ the <br /> then owners sha.l.l., a. 10 joint expense, repai.r or re.bui.ld sai.d wa1.1. <br /> and each party_ h:i..:s successors and assigns, aha~~ have lohe right to <br /> the :full use of said wall so or re.bu.:i..1t. If ei.tber <br /> party's negl..igence. ah.a~l cause e to or destructi.on of said <br /> wall, such negligent party ab.a.ll bear the cost of reJ?air or <br /> reconatructi.on. If e.i tber party shall. ne.glect or :refuse to pay hi.s <br /> share, or a.~~ of such cost in case.s of negJ..:i.gence, the other party <br /> may have such wall ::re.paired or restored and sha~~ be entitled 100 <br /> have a's Li.en on the prem.ises of the other party so <br /> fai.l.:ing to pay, for the amount of such defaulting party's share of <br /> the repai.r or replacement cost~ <br /> .. . The cost of the party wa:J...J... sha:J...1 be bo:r=.e <br /> equal.l.y by the OW":D.El'X"S on e:i.thc::r: of the sai.d ......all.. <br /> 5. party shall have the right to break through the <br /> pa.rty wal.l.s for the purpose of repai.r or restoring, water, <br /> or ut.:i:Li.t:Les, subject to lohe. obligatj..on to restore sa:id _a1.J.. to :its <br /> . previoua structuraJ.. conditi.on at his own expense and lohe payment_ <br /> to the adjoining owner of any ~gea negligently caused thereby. <br />