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<br /> ~R,-:;r'1 TRRMM BU!LDERS 8. REALTORS PHOt'-oE NO. 612 635 5288 ....2". 19 13'38 0':;': 28Hr-1 ' ,.; <br /> ~/~ <br /> I> . Thi.s Declaration aoal.J. at aJ.l. t:i.mes be ~onstrued as a <br /> cove~a.nt running with the J.a.nd. . <br /> 7. This Dec~arat;l.oIl. ahaJ.l. be upon the llD.derB:i.gued~ <br /> suc:c:eSDOX"S, assigns, and grantees. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ we have cauaed thi.s DecJ.arat:.i.on to be <br /> signed th:ia 28th day of Hay, 1998. <br /> Mar1yo. R. Tramm <br /> DOD.Il.a M. Tramm <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br /> ) as. <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br /> The foregoing :instrument was acknowl.edged before me th:l.s <br /> 28\:h day of May, 1998 by Mar~yn :1<. Tramm and Donna M. Tramm <br /> Notary Pu.b1:ic <br /> Thi.s .i.:o.Dtru..m.e..nt was drafted by: <br /> TR.AMM :BUILDERS & REALTORS . <br /> 3289 Katie Court <br /> Arden Hi.l.~s, Minnesota 55J.J.2 <br /> . <br />