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<br /> :stl'H ~y:t't:rt::K:SUN rl(.~M ~t::K(jM.~N ; 1:1- ti-l:ll:l :lZ:Ult'M ;t't.Tt::K:SON I'RAM BERGMA~ 6126337835;# Z/13' <br /> , <br /> MEMORANDUM . <br /> TO: Cindy Walsh <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> FROM: John M. Miller <br /> DATE: August 6. J 998 <br /> RE: 1369 Forest Lane, Arden Hills. MN; Steve Nixon Property <br /> This memo will provide you with a brief background of the developments with respect to the <br /> above-referred to property sinee the Court Hearing whieh was hcld on April 14. 1998. before the <br /> Honorahle Roland J. Farley. <br /> 1. The Court Hcaring referred to above wa.~ scheduled by the City pursuant to the <br /> Hazardous Building Statute. Minn. Stat. !l463.l5 et. seq. "lbe purpose ofthe <br /> hearing was to ohtain an order from the Court confirming the Arden Hills City <br /> Council's Resolution and Order dated October 27,1997. A copy of the . <br /> Resolution and Order should be included in the agenda package for the City <br /> Council meeting. <br /> 2. Stcvcn Nixon was represented by Luther Amundson, an attorney from Edina. The <br /> condition of lhe property was not seriously at issue. Essentially, the only issue <br /> discussed at the hearing was a time-table to make the improvements. During the <br /> hearing. I discussed the time-table with the staff and agreed that Mr. Nixon could <br /> have until August 15, 1998, in order to complete all of the necessary repairs. This <br /> agreemenl was based on the representation by Mr. Amundson that serious <br /> Degotiations had been commenced and were progressing with Mr. Nixon's <br /> insurance company and they were expecting a settlement with the insurance <br /> company in the near future. Presumably, there would be enough money from the <br /> settlement with the insurance company in order to provide the funds for the <br /> necessary repairs. <br /> A copy of the Findings of Fae!, etc. resulting from the April 14, 1998, hearing is <br /> attached to this Memorandum as Exhibit A. <br /> 3. Since April 14, 1998. there has been essentially no discussion between the <br /> attlJrneys regarding the matter. It is my understanding that Mr. Nixon did talk to <br /> Dave Scherbel a couple of weeks ago and indicated that the insurance company <br /> had agreed to pay off the mortgage. Thc exact amount of that payment was still in <br /> dispute at that time. . <br />