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<br /> ~u" UI" LC"::""V1' .Nll~ D=l.JlllAl~ ; /:l- b-lj/:l ; 1;<: Ult'M ;t't:I'l::RSON FRAM BERGMA-t 6126337838;# 3/13 <br /> . <br /> ~ <br /> . 4. Several wceks ago, I rcceived a noticc of a "Rule 16" hearing which was <br /> scheduled ror August 18, 1998. I contacted Judge Farley's Clerk and wa~ <br /> informed that the Judge scheduled that hearing in order to receive an update <br /> regarding what, ifanylhing, had been accomplished by August 15. <br /> 5. Last week, I received a Notice of Withdrawal from Mr, Arrnmdson. This means <br /> that Mr. Nixun is no longer represented by counsel. He has informed Dave <br /> Seherbelthat he intends to attend the August 18, 1998 hearing and request that he <br /> be given more time in order to complete the repairs. He had provided no further <br /> information regarding his financial ability to complete the repairs, or an alternate <br /> lime schedule, To the bcst of my knowledge, he has not applied for any permits <br /> to undertake the necessary repairs. <br /> Thc Findings of Fact, etc. allow the City 10 COIl1lIlCtlCe taking steps on August 16, <br /> 1998, to arrangc for the demolition of the house. 11le specifie procedurcs are set <br /> forth on pages 7 and 8 of that doctUnent. <br /> ~ bljlwalsh-lDcrno <br /> e <br />