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<br /> . SENT BY:PETERSON FRAM BERGMAN; 8- 6-58 ;12:01PM ;PETERSON FRAM BERGMA~ 6126337835;# 5/13 <br /> . STATE OF MINNESOT^ DIS'l'I<1CT COUI<T <br /> COUNTY OF HAMSEY SECOND ,JUDICIAL DISTRIC'l' <br /> --.- Court File No. 62-C~-98-002051 <br /> C~se Tn)e: Other Civil - <br /> Municipal Code/St.~tul:.e En:torcerl\ent <br /> In Re: the Mntter of: <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT, <br /> The City of Arden Hills CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, ORDER <br /> Resolution and Order, FOR JUDGMENT AND JUDGMENT <br /> dated October 27, 1997, <br /> Reli1tive to Property LOCQtcd <br /> at 1369 Forest Lane <br /> The above-entitled matter came on for a hea.ring before the <br /> Honorable Roland J. Fariey, On April 14, 1998 in Room J.270 of the <br /> Ramsey County Courthouse, pursuant to the Motion of the City of <br /> Arden Hills (the "City" ) far an Ordcr pursuant to Minn. Stat. <br /> tI" !l463.15, et seq. John Michael. Miller, Esq. , of Peterson, Fram & <br /> Bergman, P.A. , app"'ared an behalf of the City. Luther Amundson, <br /> Esq. , 6600 France Avenue South, Suite 47.5, MinnGapolis, MN 55435 <br /> appeared on behalf of Steven Nixon. James J. Tuzinski, Esq. , 7050'+,. <br /> Brooklyn Blvd_ , Minneapolis, MN 55429, appeared on behalf of <br /> Advanta Mortgage Inc. Advanta Mortgage Inc. was not a party to the <br /> action, <br /> Upon hearing the arguments of the respective parties, and upon <br /> Lhe review of the tile and all other matters herein, the Court <br /> hereby makes the follOWing: <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT <br /> ~ <br /> 1- The house (the II HouaeIf ) located on Lhe proper.ty at 1369 <br /> Forest Lane, Arden Hills, Minnesota (th" "Property" ) was <br /> -. 1 <br /> ,- <br /> A <br />