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<br /> SENT BY:PETERSON FRAM BERGMAN; 8- 6-58 ;12:02PM ;PETERSON FRAM BERGMA~ 6126337835;# 6/13 <br /> subHtanli~11y damaged by a fire on .June 16, 1997 (the "Fire'l) _ . <br /> 2. The legal descri.ption of the Proper.ty is as follows: <br /> Lot ?4j Block 2, Arden Hille No. :<. <br /> The property is registered property. <br /> J. As a l'esul t of the Fire, the House and Property fell out <br /> of compliance with certain provisions of the Arden Hills ci.ty Code <br /> (the "Code") . This specifically includes the Uniform Building Code <br /> which WaFl adopted by t,he City. <br /> The Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the State of <br /> 'Minnesota, and interpret"d and codified by t.he Department of <br /> Administration, contains provisionc relative to unsafe buildings. <br /> specifically, Sr~CTION 1305.102, SEC'l'ION 102, UNSAFE BUILDING OR <br /> STRUCTURES, provides as follows: <br /> - <br /> UBC, Section 102 J.S amended by amending the last <br /> paragraph to read as follows: <br /> " <br /> All unsafe buildings, structures, Or <br /> appendages are public nuisances and must be <br /> abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition <br /> or removal in accordance with the procedures <br /> in Minn. Stat. !l463.1.5 to !i463. 26. <br /> Those sections of the Minnesota Stacutes are referred Lo herein as <br /> the "Hazardoul3 Building Statute". <br /> 4. Subsequent La the Fire, the City made several informal <br /> attempts to contact Steve R. Nixon, the sole occupant of the <br /> Property in order Lo encourage Steve R. Nixon to make the necessary <br /> improvement" in order' to bring the Property back into (;umpliance <br /> with the Code .- 'rhese informal at t,empts were. nDL successful. <br /> 5. On October 7.7, 1997, the Arcien Hiils' City Council adopted <br /> a Resolution and Order (the "Resolution and Order") pursuant to the ~ <br /> 2 <br />