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CCP 12-07-1998
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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br /> DRAFT - <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,1998 2 <br /> MOTION: Council member Keirn moved and Councilmember Aplikowski seconded a motion . <br /> to approve the Consent Calendar and authorize execution of all necessary <br /> documents contained therein. The moti,?n carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> PUBUC COMMF,NTS <br /> Mayor Probst invited those present to come forward and address the Council on any items not <br /> already on the agenda, There were no public comments. <br /> tJNFTNTSHF,O AND NF,W BUSTNF,SS <br /> Mayor Probst suggested, since Ms. Sushila Shah was not yet present, item A, Human Rights <br /> Activity Update, be postponed until her arrivaL <br /> B. Resolution #98-67, Electing to Continue Participation in the Local Housing <br /> Incentives Account Program Under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act, <br /> 1999 <br /> Mr, Ringwald explained Staff is requesting City Council approval of Resolution #98-67, electing <br /> to continue to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program under the Metropolitan <br /> Livable Communities Act for 1999, The City's goals for the program are related to the creation <br /> of new residential units in TCAAP. The anticipated Affordable and Lifecycle Housing <br /> Opportunities Account (ALHOA) expenditure for 1999 would be approximately $1,500. These . <br /> funds have generally been expended to satisfy code enforcement issues such as demolitions and <br /> bringing single-family homes up to code, The program has made grants and funds available to <br /> the City such as the sewer televising grant and other grant funds received through the North <br /> Metro 1-35W Corridor Coalition. <br /> Councilmember Larson referred to the Staff memo dated November 9, 1998 and asked for further <br /> explanation of the numbers shown as the City's goal for Affordability of Ownership and Rental <br /> properties versus the Life Cycle - Owner/Renter Mix, Mr. Ringwald explained the differences <br /> between each of these items, <br /> Councilmember Larson asked if there are consequences if the City does not meet these goals, <br /> Mr. Ringwald explained the City is only required to take reasonable action towards meeting the <br /> goals, The City cannot totally control the dollar amount for which homes are bought and sold. <br /> Mayor Probst asked if the Metropolitan Council has a clear understanding that the ability to <br />..... reach these goals is directly related to the outcome of the area north of Highway 96, Mr. <br /> Ringwald stated this issue has been brought up in previous discussions with the Metropolitan <br /> Council and their understanding is consistent with the City's. <br /> Mayor Probst noted there have been discussions in the past whether there is any value to the City <br /> participating in this program, He indicated that it is important to remember there have been a <br /> number of indirect revenue sources which would not have been available if the City had not been . <br /> involved, Because of these benefits, Mayor Probst proposed that the City continue its <br /> participation in the program, <br />
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