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CCP 12-07-1998
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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,1998 DRAFT <br /> 10 <br />Ms. Shah stated she attended a meeting with Shoreview's Human Rights Commission and found . <br />this City is doing a good job in educating children about human rights. She gave additional <br />examples of the efforts being put forth by other surrounding communities and stated Arden Hills <br />can also be active in a positive way for the future of the children in the community. <br />Ms. Shah indicated that the questions being put forth to the City Council are: <br />. What is the future status of the Arden Hills Human Rights program? <br />. Does the City Council recognize the importance of the program? <br />. What are the key activities the City Council would like to see take place in the future? <br />Ms, Shah suggested Arden Hills join with other cities, such as Shoreview and Roseville, in an <br />effort to help promote education of human rights, <br />Mayor Probst asked how the information is being distributed within Shoreview, Ms. Shah <br />explained the information is being sent to parents and she has suggested it be taken directly to the <br />School District. <br />Councilmember Aplikowski asked Ms. Shah if she could suggest one activity which Arden Hills <br />needs to do right now, Ms, Shah stated the City should work with the schools and hold an essay <br />contest. Councilmember Aplikowski noted that it had been difficult in the past conducting <br />centralized activities as the City does not have a central building to house them. <br />Councilmember Keirn noted that the previous Human Rights Commission had hoped to publish a . <br />brochure and asked if this is still in the plan, Ms, Shah stated, if the Commission is asked to <br />provide a brochure they will, however, it will depend upon whether or not the budget will allow <br />for it. She pointed out that, in the past, the Commission had been involved primarily in <br />mediation training. The focus of the new Commission is toward more involvement in education, <br />Councilmember Keirn pointed out that resources are often more limited with the smaller cities, <br />Ms, Shah suggested Arden Hills can look at the concepts of other cities and come up with <br />projects which are feasible within its resources, <br />Councilmember Larson stated he is in favor of the idea of an essay contest for students and <br />suggested the City offer a cash prize and publish the winner's name in the local paper. <br />Mayor Probst stated when the focus of the Human Rights Commission shifted from mediation <br />training to being activity driven, some members ofthe Commission lost interest. It has been <br />difficult to recruit new members and over the next few months, the Commission should work to <br />identify new volunteers. Ms. Shah indicated that support from the City Council may be needed <br />in order to maintain interest in the Commission, <br />Mayor Probst asked if the City has ever denied financial support to the Commission, Ms, Shah <br />indicated that the only financial support requested has been to pay for her attendance at an annual <br />conference and this has never been denied. <br />Mr. Fritsinger pointed out that schools in Arden Hills have students from two other cities and are . <br />part of one larger school district. He suggested Arden Hills work with these other cities, <br />specifically Shoreview, and the school district, to ensure one message is being sent. <br />
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