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CCP 12-07-1998
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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9, 1998 12 <br /> Mayor Probst stated, although this issue is more directly related to Resolution #98-63, he is . <br /> concerned about the timing of the project He asked if there is a benefit to beginning the project <br /> now, or waiting a few months, Mr. Stafford explained that it depends upon the weather, <br /> however, the sewer and water system work can be done now, <br /> Mayor Probst asked if the City has access to the site, Mr. Brown explained, upon approval of the <br /> plans and specifications, Staff will advertise for bids through the third week of December, <br /> following the City intending to gain access to the Indykiewcz property on December 15, 1998, <br /> If, for some reason, the City does not gain access at this time, an addendum could be used to <br /> push the project time out or cancel it. This would prevent the City from having to award a bid if <br /> access to the property is still not achieved. Mr. Brown reiterated that there is a fair amount of <br /> work that can be done before spring such as the sewer and water systems and top soil movement, <br /> etc, Once spring arrives, the roadway could be completed. <br /> Mayor Probst asked if the Indykiewcz house is in the way of the project. Mr. Brown explained <br /> the house is located on the west edge of the right-of-way, Much of the work can be done around <br /> it, however, it will eventually need to be demolished. Mayor Probst asked if this issue is part of <br /> the agreement with the property owners. Mr. Brown stated it is. <br /> Councilmember Larson stated he has a difficult time accepting the rationale for two separate <br /> lanes, one for traffic traveling north, the other for traffic traveling east. Although one is planned <br /> for the future, at this time there is no intersection on the north side, He indicated, if reducing the <br /> intersection to three lanes significantly reduces the cost of the project, it may be worth while. . <br /> He pointed out the amount of traffic generated by the proposed intersection on the north side is <br /> not known and the only problem he can see at this point is someone wanting to travel to the north <br /> having to wait for a right-hand-turn in front of them. <br /> Mr. Brown agreed that the through traffic lane will not be useful for the next few years until the <br /> intersection to the north is built, Although heavier traffic patterns through this intersection will <br /> not occur until the interchange at Highway 10 is built and the TCAAP project moves forward, it <br /> may be worth while to build it up now. <br /> Mayor Probst asked if Ramsey County is in agreement with the City regarding its shared cost <br /> participation, Mr. Fritsinger indicated that, at this time, there is not a written agreement, only a <br /> verbal assurance ofthe County's understanding of their cost participation, The County has been <br /> consistent all along on the amount they will reimburse the City according to the design of a <br /> certain width road and there has been no deviation from this agreement. Mr. Fritsinger added, <br /> although Staff does not have a lot of concern with this issue, Attorney Filla has indicated he <br />......". would prefer the agreement be solidified, Mayor Probst indicated that he would also want in <br /> writing what will be covered and when the City can expect to be paid back. Mr. Fritsinger stated <br /> the plan is that the City will fund the project and will be reimbursed when the County receives its <br /> turn-back from the State, Mayor Probst asked if there will be time to have this agreement drawn <br /> up before the contract is awarded. Mr. Fritsinger indicated there will be. <br /> Mayor Probst suggested, prior to taking action on Resolution #98-65, the following item on the . <br /> agenda, Resolution #98-63, should be presented. <br />
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