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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br /> r<) f\ FT <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9, 1998 U.'~"...--;.' 13 <br />. E. Resolution #98-63, Receiving Preliminary Report in the Matter of the i999 Street <br /> Improvement Project, West Round Lake Road <br /> Mr. Post explained Staff had intended to discuss the CIty Engineer's Feasibility Report on this <br /> subject at the regular Council meeting of October 13,1998, However, this item was deleted <br /> from the meeting agenda at Staff's request in order to further analyze project issues/alternatives. <br /> At the October 19, 1998 Council Worksession, Staffwas directed to further refine the project <br /> cost estimates on both a divided highway and no median/third lane option. <br /> Mr. Post referred to the Staff memo dated November 5,1998 and stated the City's Engineer had <br /> prepared a full range of alternatives, items A through C2, each with varying degrees of build- out <br /> of a reconstructed road, Two alternatives emphasize the parkway nature of the road with a <br /> divided road with a median. Mr. Post pointed out that right-of-way acquisition ranges from <br /> 50,000 square-feet with Alternative A, to 75,000 square-feet with Alternatives Cl or C2, which <br /> adds up to as much as 40 feet of additional roadway, Cost for the project alternatives ranged <br /> from $1,2 million dollars to $2.8 million dollars. When the road was originally looked at by the <br /> previous engineer, the cost estimates were approximately $1.5 million dollars and the significant <br /> cost increase over this estimate was one reason to reconsider tlie project's alternatives. <br /> One consideration which came out of further review with the City Engineer is that the Gateway <br /> traffic study report suggests that a four lane road is not a requirement for future Gateway <br /> developments, Accordingly, it would appear that Alternative Cl could be dropped from <br />. consideration if functionality were the only criterion, With Alternative C2 also based on an <br /> alternative four lane design, it could be dropped from consideration as welL <br /> Another issue brought up during the review is that the Feasibility Report identified several <br /> potential roadway enhancements for Phase II of the project including a bituminous traiL Staff <br /> urges Council to consider the addition of a six foot concrete sidewalk as a baseline of the Phase <br /> II project to link up with Phase I as several affected property owners have a high level of <br /> pedestrian/employee traffic, Winter snow plowing ofthis sidewalk would be a policy issue <br /> and/or maintenance cost item, <br /> The City Administrator and City Engineer met with West Round Lake Road property owners on <br /> October 29, 1998 to informally discuss proposed construction plans and gather input from the <br /> property owners, The strongest opinions from these property owners were incorporating a <br /> sidewalk into the design, a preference for a two lane, undivided road with a center turn lane <br /> rather than a divided road with a raised median and turn lanes, and incorporating street lighting <br /> into the design, <br />., The City Engineer has directed American Testing to conduct expanded soil boring tests along the <br /> proposed reconstruction path. Thus far, results from the tests are not available. <br /> At a November 2, 1998 Staff meeting, the City Engineer was directed to prepare two alternatives <br /> for Council consideration. One ofthe alternatives is an updated Alternative B with a two lane <br />. divided road with a raised median, as revised by refined cost and funding estimates. The second <br /> would be a new Alternative D with a two lane undivided road with a center turn lane and a forty- <br /> four foot roadbed, <br />
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