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CCP 12-07-1998
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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br />DRt\.fT <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,1998 14 <br />Mr. Post stated the Council is being requested to consider three alternatives with large . <br />variations. Alternative A would essentially rebuild the existing two lane road with a curb and <br />gutter at a cost of $1.2 million dollars. Alternative B would build a two lane divided road with a <br />raised median and turn lanes at a cost of almost $2 million dollars. Alternative D would build a <br />two lane, undivided road with a center turn lane at a cost of $1.5 million dollars, A central issue <br />in Council's consideration of Alternative B is a cost/benefit discussion regarding the $428,375 <br />incremental cost of Alternative B over Alternative D, <br />Mr, Post advised the City Engineer recommends that Council opt for Alternative D, Staff <br />concurs with this recommendation, <br />Mr. Brown presented overhead slides of the three alternatives and gave a detailed description of <br />each. <br />With regard to the soil testing and cost differential, Mr, Brown stated Staff had directed him to <br />review Alternative B to ensure, with the new soil information, the numbers are still accurate, <br />The original Alternative B had a cost differential of approximately $400,000, Based on the soil <br />information received last week, the soil is not bad enough to warrant removal. Sand and rock <br />may need to be added to provide to required roadway, With this new information, the cost <br />differential will be closer to $300,000. <br />Mr, Brown stated, based on the public request, the sidewalk was added back into Alternative B <br />and added to Alternative D, The cost of the sidewalk would be approximately $40,000, Mayor . <br />Probst asked if the sidewalk alternative is less expensive than a bituminous trail. Mr. Brown <br />explained that the bituminous trail would be approximately $10,000 less expensive. However, <br />the residents had expressed a preference for a sidewalk due to aesthetic issues. <br />Mr. Brown stated, with regard to the road geometry of Alternative D, there are 14 foot lanes <br />going north and south with a 16 foot center lane. The center lane could be 14 feet however, a 16 <br />foot center lane will allow for large truck turning and Staff believes the extra two feet would be <br />appropriate. In addition to the road improvements, a trunk water main and storm sewer will be <br />constructed. <br />Mr. Brown indicated that the project will be built in two, possibly three phases, working east to <br />west to provide the most continuous access for the businesses along the road. Having three <br />phases will allow the work zone and traffic to be spread apart for safety purposes. <br />Mayor Probst asked what the lane width is for Alternative B, Mr. Brown explained the lane <br />width is 16 feet with 13 feet of black top and one and one-half foot of gutter. Although it is <br />considered adequate, Staff proposes that the width may be adjusted since it is on the tight side for <br />truck traffic. Proposed with this alternative is a 18 foot center median. <br />Mayor Probst indicated that the reason he asked the question is he is having a difficult time <br />understanding the cost difference between Alternatives Band D, Mr. Brown explained that two <br />items went up in the cost estimate, the common excavation of the hill with the five-foot raise in . <br />elevation, and the retaining waIL With Alternative B there is more overall pavement at the <br />intersections because of the wider width, Although the base of the road would be excavated, the <br />final blacktop number is a little under Alternative D. For Alternative D the blacktop is estimated <br />at 1500 tons per course and 1300 tons per course for Alternative B. There is some savings on the <br />
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