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CCP 12-07-1998
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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br /> r'~ -~)'\ "'" T <br /> :"'l'),._, )'\ r <br /> iL) 3"~ ~- "\ <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,1998 17 <br />. Mr. Fritsinger noted that, with regard to the consideration of a median in the road, one main <br /> purpose for the median was for aesthetic issues. When looking at the buildings, it was felt a <br /> median would provide a more appealing focus for people, He stated he is not clear on the <br /> purpose of the median in the new area of Gateway Boulevard as opposed to a median in front of <br /> the older buildings which are more industrial looking. <br /> Mayor Probst stated he had anticipated an opportunity to look at the landscape plans to compare <br /> landscaping of the median and the boulevard, He noted a very different atmosphere is created on <br /> the street with Alternative D having such a large amount of asphalt. Mr. Fritsinger stated, <br /> although he would agree with this statement, there is no value added by constructing a median <br /> only in the area of the newer buildings. <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski stated she still does not support the idea of a median. She indicated <br /> when considering beautification, the businesses themselves have done a fair amount of <br /> landscaping and the City should not have to get into any more costs for this area, She feels, <br /> when it comes to the functionality of the road, it would be better to not have a median and, for <br /> aesthetic purposes, landscaping could be added along the edges. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger added, if it weren't for the cost, he would support a median, but the funds are <br /> already stretched to capacity. There are other needs the Council will need to address for future <br /> funds and money may need to be spent in other areas within the community. <br />. Mayor Probst suggested, if this is primarily a financial discussion, action may be deferred on this <br /> Resolution until the City's financial issues can be fully worked out. <br /> Councilmember Keirn expressed her concern that, when looking at the financial picture, it is not <br /> clear to her if the City is building for today or for tomorrow. She is concerned that the Council <br /> may not be thinking ahead to the future of the project due to financial issues, <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski pointed out that, even when considering building for the future, the <br /> roadway will continue to be commercial and it needs to be functional from this standpoint. If, <br /> for some reason the uses of the roadway change, it could be tom up and a median added ifit is <br /> found to be needed. <br /> Councilmember Keirn pointed out, since the Council has not been provided a comprehensive <br /> comparison of the alternatives, it is difficult to make a discussion, <br /> Councilmember Larson stated he doesn't know the details of the bonding issues, however, even <br /> if more money were available, it would not affect his viewpoint. He indicated that there are other <br /> areas within the City where he would prefer money be spent for boulevards benefiting the <br /> neighborhoods rather than an industrial park. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Malone seconded a motion to <br /> adopt Resolution #98-63, Receiving the Preliminary Report in the Matter of the <br />. 1999 Street Improvement Project, West Round Lake Road and recommend to the <br /> City Engineer the Council's selection of Alternative D for the West Round Lake <br /> Phase II project and schedule a Public Hearing on December 14, 1998 for this <br /> improvement. <br />
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