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CCP 12-07-1998
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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br /> """","", ,- T <br /> o ',' }~,4 :/ \ p <br /> L"" \J-,f" <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,1998 18 <br /> Mayor Probst spoke in opposition to the motion, He expressed his belief that it is a mistake for . <br /> the City to change the direction of where the project was going and is concerned that there has <br /> not been adequate accounting of the actual costs for the two alternatives and how funding will be <br /> dealt with, For these reasons he will yote against the motion. <br /> The motion carried (3-2, Mayor Probst and Councilmember Keirn opposed). <br /> Mayor Probst stated the Council must make a decision on Resolution #98-65. He indicated that, <br /> considering the action taken on Resolution #98-63, it does not make sense to construct a median <br /> through this section of the project. If the issue is cost, it may be worth pointing out that there <br /> will need to be a curb cut in the median to serve the property on the corner. <br /> Councilmember Malone asked if the median is to be concrete or landscaped, Mr. Brown <br /> indicated it could be handled either way, <br /> Councilmember Larson asked what the cost difference would be if the through lane were <br /> dropped and intersection included two left-turn lanes and one lane for through traffic and right <br /> turns, Mr. Brown stated the savings would be $4.00 per square foot for approximately 5,000 <br /> square feet ofroadway, or a total savings of approximately $20,000 to $25,000, <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Aplikowski moved and Councilmember Malone seconded a <br /> motion to adopt Resolution #98-65, approving Plans and Specifications and <br /> authorizing Staff to advertise for bids for the improvement of West Round Lake . <br /> Road including the West Round Lake RoadlHighway 96 intersection. <br /> Mayor Probst stated he will also vote against this motion due to his conflict with the median. <br /> Councilmember Larson asked for confirmation that the median will run from the intersection to <br /> the start of the street section to the south, Mr. Fritsinger stated that this is the plan with the <br /> exception of the curb cut to serve the property on the comer. Councilmember Larson asked if the <br /> median will be concrete, Mr. Brown stated the median could be landscaped with the exception <br /> of the narrow portions, <br /> The motion carried (4-1, Mayor Probst opposed), <br /> F. League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), 1999 Legislative Priorities and Policies <br /> Mr. Fritsinger stated the City Council is asked to consider the identification of priorities for the <br />,'"-",,," LMC that will be used as part of the next State legislative session. Staff looked at the action <br /> taken by the Council regarding the AMM policies for comparison however, the two agencies <br /> have different goals, With this in mind, Staff has determined the priorities for LMC which <br /> closely matched those previously chosen by the Council for the AMM, <br /> Item FF-1, State-Local Fiscal Relations, is similar to the Levy Limit priority. Item FF-5, Sales <br /> Tax on Local Government Purchases is similar to the Sales Tax priority. Item LE-15, Adequate . <br /> Funding for Transportation is similar to the Transportation Fund component. <br /> Mayor Probst asked for the priority ranking of the Council's determinations for the AMM. Mr. <br /> Fritsinger stated the top five were: <br />
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