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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Updates. Staff received a letter from Mark Nagel (1459 Arden Oaks Drive) with <br />concerns about the relocation of the tennis courts. (Exhibit F) <br /> <br />The City Engineer, Greg Brown, has evaluated the original proposed parking lot plan and <br />forwarded concerns with the roadway slope and parking lot layout. (Exhibit C). <br /> <br />The applicant has revised their plan to accommodate some of the concerns with the <br />parking lot design, handicap parking, and roadway grade. (Exhibit D). <br /> <br />The proposed parking stalls are 9 feet by 16 feet. Section VI, F, 1, a states a individual <br />parking space shall be at least nine (9) feet in width and eighteen (18) feet in length. <br />Bethel College has an existing parking lot with a similar layout just south of Chalberg <br />Residence. (Exhibit B). Staff has taken several photographs of the parking lot and would <br />find that the layout functions safely. (Exhibit E). However, this lot is not used as heavily <br />as the proposed lot and several cars were parking beyond the markings. <br /> <br />The applicant is proposing have five (5) handicap parking stalls to the east side of there <br />parking lot. This lot is to primarily serve the new residence hall; however, the grade to <br />the residence hall does not create for easy access from this parking lot for handicapped <br />persons. There is handicap parking for the residence hall in another existing parking lot <br />to the west. The five stalls will however, serve the adjacent football stadium. <br /> <br />The roadway grade approaching the parking lot has been modified to a 7% grade from a <br />10% grade. The grade modification corresponds with the recommendation of the City <br />Engineer. <br />