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<br />DRAFT
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<br />Mr, Petrie stated that he had been informed that the current method to eontrol odors was through
<br />the use of ehemicals, He is concerned about what chemieals were being mixed and what
<br />compounds were being formed when mixing the ehemieals,
<br />
<br />Mr, Petrie stated that, prior to this proposal, the community surrounding the plant had been
<br />looking for information from City Staff on what would have to be done to close the Priskies
<br />plant. Having reviewed the web site and proposal deseribing the biofilter, he stated that he would
<br />hold off on taking steps to close the plant until it was determined if the biofilter was working.
<br />
<br />Mr, Petrie asked ifthere was an objective measurement to determine the amount of odors
<br />emanating from the plant before and after the biofilter is installed, He indicated that the website
<br />established by the manufacturer ofthe biofilter provided definite referenee sites where these
<br />biofilters have been used, He felt it would be interesting to speak with residents in these areas to
<br />determine if the biofilters have improved the odor situations,
<br />
<br />Mr, Petrie asked, with approval of the proposal, what the timeline for the installation of the
<br />biofilter would be,
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<br />Acting Chair Nelson closed the publie hearing at 7:43 p,m" as no one else wished to address the
<br />Planning Commission,
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<br />Commissioner Rye noted that it had been mentioned that many odor complaints oecur after
<br />normal working hours, He asked if the Priskies plant operates three shifts, Mr, Ken Hola,
<br />Priskies Plant Manager, stated that the Priskies plant operates two shifts,
<br />
<br />Commissioner Rye asked how large the trees to be used for screening would be, Ms, Randall
<br />stated that the new trees would be six to eight feet in height.
<br />
<br />Commissioner Rye asked if the plantings included in Exhibit B would be installed at the same
<br />time the biofilter is eonstructed, Ms, Randall stated that the plantings and construetion would
<br />oceur simultaneously, Commissioner Rye eonfirmed that the applicant would have up to one
<br />year to eomplete the project, if approval was granted, Ms, Randall stated that this was COITeet.
<br />She noted, however, that the applicant intended to eomplete the project by the end of 1999,
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<br />Referring to his letter dated July 23, 1999, Commissioner Galatowitsch noted that Mr, Hola had
<br />indieated that Priskies representatives had visited several sites using the biofilters, She asked
<br />what types of businesses these sites had been, Mr, Hola stated that these businesses were plants
<br />involved in the rendering of animal byproduets, whieh emits a very powerful odor,
<br />Commissioner Galatowitsch asked if these plants were located close to residential
<br />neighborhoods, Mr. Hola stated that he was not sure if these plants were near residential
<br />neighborhoods or not, as he had not been among the representatives who visited the plants.
<br />
<br />Commissioner Galatowitsch noted that Mr. Hola's letter had indicated that the sites visited had a
<br />dramatic reduetion in odor and odor eomplaints. She asked if research had been done to
<br />determine this reduetion in odor and how this would be measured, Mr, Hola stated that mueh of
<br />the determination was related to the number of eomplaints received regarding odor.
<br />Commissioner Galatowitseh asked if the Priskies plant intended to keep statisties regarding odor
<br />eomplaints. Mr, Hola stated that the Priskies plant keeps records of all complaints.
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