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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - AUGUST 4, 1999 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />Mr. Larry Good, Friskies Division Engineer, stated that the manufaeturer of the proposed <br />biofilter had guaranteed a certain pereentage in reduction of the odors. He indieated that Friskies <br />had wanted to understand exactly what this meant and has eontracted with an independent <br />consultant. This eonsultant has taken samples of the emissions from the plant. These samples <br />will be diluted to eertain pereentages and presented to a trained odor panel who will determine <br />whether or not they can detect the odor. This information will provide Friskies with an order of <br />magnitude number, whieh indicates how strong the odor is and how mueh is being emitted into <br />the outside air today, <br /> <br />Mr. Good stated that Friskies has asked the consultant to sample the current emissions and model <br />what they anticipate the odors eoming out of the biofilter would be. This information was not <br />completed yet beeause the samples were only taken last week. If the results from this consultant <br />are not acceptable to Friskies, then Friskies will ask the biofilter manufaeturer how they intend to <br />satisfy their guarantee, <br /> <br />Mr. Good stated that Friskies was taking this issue very seriously and is investing a eertain <br />amount of money in investigation of the produet. The investigation will provide quantitative <br />information after the biofilter is installed that will be eompared to the emissions prior to <br />installation. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Nelson asked how much odor reduction is guaranteed by the manufacturer of the <br />biofilter, Mr. Good stated that the manufaeturer had guaranteed a 90-percent reduction, plus or <br />minus five-pereent. He noted that this was very subjective and was the reason for contracting <br />with an independent consultant in order to determine the actual reduetion in the odor. <br /> <br />Mr, Daryl Grove, Friskies Environmental Manager, stated that he had made trips to Toronto, <br />Canada to visit the eompany, which manufactures the proposed biofilter, as well as other sites, <br />which have installed the biofilter, He had found that the facilities that installed the biofilters had <br />been very skeptical that the use of wood chips would eliminate the odors, They did fmd, <br />however, that the biofilters did work and had reduced the complaints, as well as regulatory <br />activity. Mr, Grove stated that he had been impressed by the information he had reeeived and <br />had performed a sniff test before and after the biofilter and found the biofilter was working, He <br />indicated that Friskies does not want to spend a great deal of money on a product they do not <br />believe will work. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Nelson stated that he lives close to the Friskies plant and is pleased by the proposed <br />biofilter. <br /> <br />Aeting Chair Nelson stated that it had been his belief that the biofilter would be six feet above <br />ground all the way around, He confirmed staff s indieation that the biofilter would be six feet <br />tall on one side, and two feet tall on the other. Ms. Randall stated that six feet of the biofilter <br />would be above ground on the west side, and two feet of the filter would be above ground on the <br />east side, faeing the tree line, <br />Acting Chair Nelson asked how deep the ground would have to be exeavated, Mr, Hola stated <br />that the footings would be four feet below grade, Acting Chair Nelson asked how large the entire <br />structure would be. Ms, Randall stated that the entire strueture would be approximately eight <br />and one-half feet in height with a portion above and below ground. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Nelson asked if the applieant had considered installing the biofilter as flush as <br />possible with the ground, Mr, Hola stated that this had not been eonsidered, <br />