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<br />10/14/1999 19:09 <br /> <br />6126994415 <br /> <br />KEN NIMMER <br /> <br />PAGE 02/02 <br /> <br />D..... -o.~-.(7\F !\ <br />. iI"'- f"" <br /> <br />On October 5, 999, Pre<lident Clinton signed the Defense Authorization Bill. As part of that bill, the <br />Secretaly of y may convey to the City of Arden Hills, Minnesota all right, title, and interest of the <br />United States in lUId to a pllIcel of rea! property, including improvements thereon, consisting of <br />approximately 4 ""re. at the Twin Cite. Army Ammunition Plant, fer the pw:pose of permittiO!! the City to <br />con<truct a city hall complex On the parceL <br /> <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MEMORANDOM OF UNDERSTANDING <br /> <br />To implement this bill, the City of Arden Hills proposes to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding <br />(MOU) with the T"Win Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP). The intent oftbi. MOU is to defme <br />prooodural requirements, funding, roles o.nd responsibilities to successfully execute this land transfer in an <br />expedient manner_ <br /> <br />De""ription of Property.. The "",,,,,r """"'ge and legal description of the real property to be conveyed under <br />this agreement shall be determined by surveys satisfaclOlYto the Army_ As outlined in the bill, the cost of <br />the Slitvey .hall be b<>rne by the City of Arden Hills, <br /> <br />Environmental Compliance - The City of Arden Hills shall med the procedural requirements of <br />Department of Army Regulation 200-1 and Department of Army Regulation 200-2 for land acquisition_ <br />TCAAP and/or its headquarters will review and be the finalapprovaJ ll1.Ithority on aJlland transfer <br />documents. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Environmental Baseline Survey - Army Regulation 200-1 Chapter 15-6 Real Property Acquisition, <br />Outgrant ll1Id Disposal TransactionS. It is Anny policy to prep....e an Environmental Baseline Survey (BES) <br />to determine the environmental condition of properties being collllidered for owquisition, outgrants, and <br />d;sposals_ Section c. Non-Army-Initiated-Actions. For real property transaction initiated by non-Army <br />parties: (1) the non-Army party is respOllsible for the funding and compl~jon of the EBS The City of <br />Arden Hills shall fund the EBS. (4) If a transaction stemS from specific legislation, the entity with wham <br />the property will b. transferred .hall conduct .he EBS pursuant to this chapter. The City of Arden Hill, <br />shall complete the EBS pursuant to this chapter_ <br /> <br />Environmental Assessment - Army Re8UIation 200.2 Chapter 5 Environmental Assessment. The City of <br />Arden Hills will draft,." environmental assessment and [fa Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) is <br />determined, the City will draft s. document stating such. TCMP will review the environmental assessment <br />and approve the FNSI. <br /> <br />Finding of SuiUlbility to Transfer - Army Materiel Command FOSTIFOSL Guidanre (February 199&). <br />Tbe City of Arden Hills sball complete the finding of suitability to trsnsfer in aerotdance with Amly <br />guidance_ <br /> <br />TeMP will Gompl_ tbe Report of Excess for disposal actions, ensure compliance with the McKinney <br />Acl, coordinate wllh tbe State ffistoric P:reserv01ion Office, State Depa.rtmeItl QfNmural ResolJr~, and tbe <br />United States Fish and Wildlife Service, TCAAP will also cooper01e with the City of Arden Hill. <br />throughout the development ofthe EBS, BA, and FaST. TCAA!' will also cootdinate the EA and EBS <br />with the affeGled public and fOlWard appropriate documentation to their beadquarters. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Terry Post <br />Act,ng C,ty Administrator <br />City of Arden Hill. <br /> <br />Michael R. Fix <br />Commander's Reptesentative <br />Twin Cities Army Anununition Plant <br />