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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Patrick F. Krenn <br />1230 Wyncrest Court <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112-5773 <br />(651)631-3136 <br /> <br />CAREER SUMMARY: <br />UNIX C/C++ senior software engineer and team leader witll project management cxpcricnce. Designed, developed, <br />and tested industry-leading multi-platform client-server applications. Bcyond state-of-the-art zero-defect products <br />created using object-{)riented and structured design, development, and testing techniques. Implcmcntcd artificial- <br />intelligence-based database applications, based on either object-{)riented or relational technologies. <br /> <br />WORK EXPERIENCE: <br /> <br />MEDTRONIC, INC. <br />Contract Software Engineer <br /> <br />199ft - present <br /> <br />. Working with a team of software enjlineers to convert and implement ncw firmware verification tests in a C-type <br />language for the latest implantable cardiovascular defibrillator. <br />. Reviewing current documentation, planning future tests, and devcloping tests in C++ on a Windows NT-based <br />test station for verification of next generation of implantable cardiovascular defibrillators. <br /> <br />LSC, INe. <br />Senior Software Developer <br /> <br />1997 -1998 <br /> <br />. In a UNIX envirorunent, designed, implemented, and interfaced Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to <br />emulate product commands in a hierarchical storage management system. <br />. Dcvcloped a prototype corporate database to supply the company with information on past, current, and future <br />product support and customersl usage, including customer hardware configurations. <br />. Provided 24-hour support for customer inquiries and problems encountered in tile use of the LSC hierarchical <br />storage management product. <br /> <br />GUIDANT CORP. - CARDIAC PACEMAKERS, INC, <br />Contract Software Engineer <br /> <br />1995 -1997 <br /> <br />. Designed, implemcnted, and tested enhancements to pacemaker programmer applications and to an internal <br />advanced pacemaker programmer application common build system, using the C language and shell scripts. <br />. Using Microsoft Access, designed, implemented, tested, and used advanced queries and Access BASIC programs <br />to manage the multi-lingual text translations used in the uscr iutcrfacc for the pacemaker programmer <br />applications. <br /> <br />FISHER-ROSEMOUNT SYSTEMS, INe. <br />Contract Software EnJ:incer <br /> <br />1994 - 1995 <br /> <br />. Designed, implemented, and tested enhancements to a process control system's standard device description <br />Iani,'Uage parser and interpreter. <br />. Leading the desigu and development of a configuration management application for a process control industry <br />field management system. <br /> <br />CENTRAL ENGINEERING COMPANY <br />Contract Snftw are ~nJ:ineer <br /> <br />1994 <br /> <br />. Designed, implementcd, and tested an enhanced multi-program interlocking mcchanism, using fuzzy logic. <br />. Improved system and deviee error detection and reportinjl usinz,graphical user interface improvements in X <br />. Designed and developed a real-time binary to ASCII conversion algorithms for lOOk Hz transient test data. <br />