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<br />. <br /> <br /> . <br /> . <br />. . <br />. <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Patrick F. Krenn <br />1230 W yncrcst Cou rt <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112-5773 <br />(651) 631-3136 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INe. <br />Contract Software Engineer <br /> <br />1993-1994 <br /> <br />. Designed and developed a UNIX-based networking system to manage secure data for 100 real.time <br />telecommunication computers. <br />. Creatcd a X.25- TCP/IP gateway between the control systems and the telecommunication computers. <br />. Designed and prototyped an automatic network initialization algorithm without any system administration. <br /> <br />AERO SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, INe. <br />Senior System Software Engineer <br /> <br />1991-1993 <br /> <br />. Mnintained and enhanccd a real-time OS-9-based object-oriented data acquisition testing system. <br />. Coordinated and managed software licensinz for base products uscd in multiple data acquisition systems. <br /> <br />CONTROL DATA CORPORATION 1972-1991 <br />Senior System Software Test Engineer and ProjectJ Team Leader <br /> <br />Designed, implemented, and tested the user interface and daemon software in a distributed file backup product, <br />which included a distributed relational database in a UNIX and proprietary OS envirol1l11cnt <br />Managed system administration for multiple Sun workstations and Silicon Graphics workstations. <br />Developed, demonstrated, and promoted the use of the X Window System throughout the company. <br />Obtained funding, initiated, designed, and led the zero-defect implemcntation of the X Window System clicnt <br />application libraries on aproprictary system, the first non-UNIX X Window System implementatiOlL <br />Represcnted CDC at the MIT X Consortium meetings and participated in the X Window System design. <br />Developed test expert system applications to evaluate the use of expert systems in a mainframe environment <br />Ported UN! X -based expert system tools to a mainfnune proprietary operating system. <br />Defined company-internal expert system projects which would be applicable for mainframe-based expert Systems; <br />implemented projects included an automated customer service call answering system. <br />Led the continued enhancemcnt, integration, evaluation, external releasc, and customer support of a proprictary <br />operating system and product set, traveling to customer sitcs for critical system problems. <br />Analyzed the customer system aborts for causes and suzgested corrective actions, instituting QA code control <br />procedures in the systcm development tearn, resulting in a 1000% increase in system stabiIily. <br />Pioneered the use of consistent system and user interfaces between products on computer systems. <br />Designed and led the team which implemented a user programmable conunand and display system interface. <br /> <br />PRIOR EXP~CE: <br /> <br />IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY <br />MONTGOMERY WARD AND COMPANY <br /> <br />Graduate Teaching Assistant <br />Computer OperatorlProzrammer <br />