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<br />1'\ <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />oR~t \ <br /> <br />l\'1EE1'ING l\'1INll1'ES <br />JOIN1' -WOR1<-SESSION OF TilE <br />Crn' couNCiL "'0 pl",,,,,,NG CO,,"ISSlON <br />l\'10NDA y, l\'1ARC\l20, 2000, 4:45 l' .l\'1. <br /> <br />^,ti," ""yo< G"gg L~"" "nod "" ~-J ,~:~';,.,:,~s~X~:':P;$' <br />,,,,,,,od c,,,",,'menW' """,y M' oW", , VI '" .""m', """m' <br />1"'''''' "d,'''' c,~ Mmm''''''''''' '0' L y,d" ",'M' i~;'" ,on """, ])a'" <br />Stafford; parks ~d Recreatlo~plrecRtor, I~~ ~~~~~~i~: prog~a111 ~uperVisor, Miche\\e <br />scherbel; AssOclate Planner, l~ancy . an ' <br />0''''" on' R ",,,mn, ,,,,,,,",,, S W" S",,,,,II <br /> <br />""h ,,,"yo< ,rob' on' Ci~ ''''0-' Tctt'I ,,," - on ""ti", <br /> <br />~ TKD' ,,",,,,,.,,,n "..."..." W"' S." N"do S.., <br /> <br />'T 1 K Duva\\ Anderson &. AssociateS, Inc. <br />Mr. Dean Johnson, of the flrm 0 tz, lng, d ' tud~ nerformed by his organization <br />....'rD~) ted a sUJUIllar'f of the space nee s SJ r f h <br />(,..... r->' presen. f 'l' 'Th' s study waS an update and revision 0 t e <br />for the proposed malntenance aCl It'f. 1 <br />original study performed in 1992. <br />, , R' Co""" pIon ",,;,in' {\ill! M', Bob <br />'" "h""'" "", bn,flY <",,,-' "" , """1 K ",,,,,lO ,;.a ,,,,,p,,n"" ""iuon " <br />VI ,bbo< __ "" ",w Co"~ ",","'';, ,ro';" "'; :'" mo' ,,,,,pl'" '" 1"'"""" ,,,,,", <br />croro~ M""'O, ""John"'" en' .., ' be'" 10< "', c'~ "" C"'~ '" m'" <br />serVices. Mr. Jo~son stat~ded{\ill! "'; "'~''::'';_'"'' ,,'0""" fun,..b" '0< ",rth" <br />to disCUSS a posslble combln use aCl hJ ' <br />design processes. <br />. Count'f Board of Commissioners had been <br />~:::'~~: t;~'~1 ';.:~;i;\,:,~:' ,",,'-"'" ",.w ;:::b(;t~) <br />th 'Twin CltleS p..rrny punrnunltlOn . <br />,_,'n', on' 0"," "0<'" ~'", : ,'" Coon~ __ ,~"" {\ill! """ """", ,,,ign "'''"' <br />proP'''' "',' o,,",o~ ''''', " qo"""'"" "" 'nrth" "",,"" ,W ,h' <br />,lO ,0' m'" "', C'~ ,,' ""ro, "", 1CM' 'prop,,", '" ob",",' "". <br />counVi was in the process of surVeYlng e <br />description. <br />H ,'n Co""" bn'i\i~ 'n Modi'" "" """' "''' <br />,,,in, ",,0< L~"'" ,,""" '" ,h' "'" J ~ '" ""fnl ly ,,",''''' ,'" ",."",,, of , <br />the CitY would hke to encoura~e Ra111dsey b: o~CAAP site and due to it'S prime visual <br />similar facilit'f if it was to be Sltuate on t. e <br />impact within the coroUlunit'f of Arden Hl\\S. <br /> <br />. ocess for the proposed maintenance faci.liVi <br />"', '0,,"," ",,"un'" ,b' "''' ,,,p ro "', " " ,,""'"' """",~ "' n" '" enntinu' <br />c R e~ CounVi Board of CoroUllSSloners 0 e . <br />was Lor a111sJ . II t fa ds and pursue the ne~t deslgn step. <br />the design as a single entlty, a oca e n <br /> <br />e <br />