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<br />ARDEN HI",.S Cny COllNClJ. WORt(8ESSIO'''' "MA....C'll <br />" - '" '" 20, 2000 <br /> <br />Th;, wO>"" h",,,",,ol'y ili, ","" m~". . . <br />Wiili~ M, """"'I Co~,~ fu"li~ ::., o. ,wub ,o'"'d'mo" 'f '." ~_ibl, "'" <br />"""'PI~oJ 'h, ,,~,~, 'f'lJ(nA ~"M'. ~ ",oo,,~, %. J'Im", 'C'oJ 'hM 'hi, <br /> <br />AOi" '"'YOIl'M", ",""" % J'h,,,. . <br />C"""'I woold "k, 'cti" " 'f"~" CiI ~:" h,., P""""'"'''~ "'" "Iv;'oJ <1m, ilie C'~ <br />'''''~ "oJ, ""''1 " P"""'oJ, '1 "", "'~o" "'"",,, ""d!Ol ""P' 'h, <br /> <br />F '""''' di"",, i" i",",oJ 'he Pmj "'oj 'M, 2G <br />'"'''''''''''' 'f , m"M"",,~ f" T, ( 0.%,""",,'1 C'~"y fundi" "'" <br />facility and eqUipment/staffing , 'Y "'" h,w ili" "'Ie'm, 'If,,,, Me C;<y', ~"'''og <br />reqUIrements and proJectIons. <br /> <br />b. Hi hWlI s 96/10 Desi 11 DisCllssio1l <br /> <br />City Administrator LYnch introduced the d' . <br />foIJ,w "p fm", "'"' ""," 2000 'd ."'.,",,," 'f., H;gl"w'YI 96iJ 0 '''';go " , <br />' reSI entIal Informational meeting. <br /> <br />a", R,,%, C'_",gp~gi,,,, Wiili DR W . . . <br />P"bi" "mm'",I, "'" m"o"" f"., '"'' '''",",,,,,,, ili, mf,"",,,o,,,,, ''''''''g, <br />Cuy C''''''iI, Otic, ~ """"'di" , "' d~>gn '''01" h'm, "'"d,,,, hy Me <br />and larger COllUnunitY_Wide concer::s ~~; Pc;;~u.1lar de~ign f~r Ramsey County to pursue, <br />o~'CI consIderatIon. <br /> <br />Councihnember Rem referenced a cOllUn t <br />D_", on"""","""oo CMnnoT " "''''' hy B'b Rm"" of M, Mi""~",, <br />Plan), there WOuld be Ultimately no COst ~o~~~ I2he CcIty aW:eed to OPtion No. I (the State <br />concern that this comment may h . Ity. ouncIlmember Rem expressed <br />aVe sent an Incorrect per (" h . <br />"",,''"~ " ., "'""". ~P 01, '" '''bI" i, <br /> <br />D;'""~ioo 'w"" ~"O"d, fro"",,,,., "" , . <br />"'" H'sbw,y 10, """ ~ NOhh fI" h, 1. 00 ~'"'hh "d, of R'OOd L"" ,_ <br />if Higl""y 10 Wem , fly,"". ., po, ',.:, ",h:"", Cho"h, !he ",oj fue, f","""" m., <br />-'g 1J;ghw,y 96" ., PI'''' w::;:" :001 ''of m"""'''''~><<i h'm" oIfuctoJ, <br />'" 'bile h,,,,, PM', pO, j"" !h, ,:Zoo",,: "" '"'""ct","", f "'"' I,,, of my""" f" Ib, <br /> <br />S'~""'1i"em,,,," pO"'" w,,, i"iI" hy A I' M <br />c Ing aYor Larson to speak; On the Subject. <br /> <br />Mr. Ebner Cmiel acknowled d h . . <br />stating that the propOsed three :nete IS at?reement With the original MnDOT OPtion, <br />. rsec IOns Were unnecessary . I C . I <br />"'Pre."" fu"oo """,I,,,,, ~ ,r, '. . . ,," ""e <br />High We Y 96 f""hct '''hh. ' cty ""d fu, 'P'" 'n f" ., 'o,i, ,f ""0ng <br /> <br /> <br />S"'m, "p"~'"''',"f!he N,,,", lJ,igJ,,, Lo"..,.. Ch"" h . <br />"'01'"",,,, ""p"" M,,, 0 , . '. , "'"" '" <br />of the plans being considered an l11~nhs With prlo~ected right-Of_way needed in some <br />PI U . 'ow any and conveYance WOuld Cc t h . <br />""",, '" """"P"'", (Pun) " , .,~ I 'II <br />PM"og "", ChO"h "P'''''c,~:, ,,~'::; ;;;;'i':t"'thPlanbs and great}:;: impact <br />en ey egan stUdYIng <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />2 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br />