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<br />. <br /> <br />AMUSEMENTS, PARKS AND RECREATION ~ 4.32 <br /> <br />> <br /> <br />(6) Accounting services; <br /> <br />(7) License renewal; <br /> <br />(8) Bond for gambling manager; <br /> <br />(9) Insurance on gambling activities; <br /> <br />(10) Investigation fee; <br /> <br />(11) One.third ('/3) of the amount of increase in the annual pre. <br />mium of liability insurance. <br /> <br />Board: The Minnesota Charitable Gambling Control Board. <br /> <br />Gross profit: The gross receipts collected from lawful gambling <br />less reasonable sums necessarily and actually expended for prizes. <br /> <br />Gross receipts: The total amount collected by an organization <br />from participants in lawful gambling. Gross receipts for bingo <br />include any amounts received by the organization that have been <br />paid by a person at the bingo occasion to play the game without <br />which the player could not play the game. <br /> <br />Lawful gambling: The operation, conduct or sale of bingo, raf. <br />fles, paddlewheels, tipboards and/or pull.tabs. <br /> <br />Minnesota Lawful Gambling Act: The provisions of M.S. Sec. <br />tions 349.11 through 349.60. <br /> <br />Net profit: Gross profit less reasonable sums actually expended <br />for allowable expenses. <br /> <br />Organization: Any fraternal, religious, veterans or other non. <br />profit organization. <br /> <br />Person: An individual, firm, association, partnership, corpora. <br />tion, trustee or legal representative. <br /> <br />Trade area: The corporate boundaries of the city and each city <br />immediately contiguous to the city. <br />lard. No. 265, ~ 5.1, 12.11.89; Ord. No. 268, ~ 5.1, 7.30.90) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Sec. 4.32. Unauthorized gambling prohibited. <br /> <br />No person shall conduct lawful gambling within the city unless <br />such activity is in compliance with the provisions of the Minne. <br />sota Lawful Gambling Act and this division. If the provisions of <br /> <br />Supp. No. 20 <br /> <br />198.1 <br /> <br />. <br />