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<br />. <br /> <br />Amend Section II (0) Definitions, numbers 43, 47,53 and 66 as follows: <br /> <br />43. Dwelling. A building, or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for <br />human haBitation, aFu:l eSflsisting sf eRC or mere a~TT/011illg 1:l.fl1ts <br />RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY, INCLUDING SINGLE-FAMILY, TWO- <br />FAMILY AND MULTIPLE FAMILY USES, BUT NOT INCLUDING <br />HOTELS, MOTELS, NURSING HOMES, BOARDING OR ROOMING <br />HOUSES, TENTS, SEASONAL CABINS, OR MOTOR HOMES OR <br />TRAVEL TRAILERS. <br /> <br />47. Dwelling unit. One er mere reems wmcb are !lffElRgca aRa aesignea as living <br />qaarters fur a single amwcbeJa eE[Ri]3psa with complete ceelling, balfiing, <br />toilet, sle8fling ana heating facilities, but excluding mobile hemes, ana ifl <br />y;llieh the eccupants liye lIRa eat separately from ether pemeRs liying iR the <br />builaiflg ane '...meb ha'/e airect aeeess frem the eatsiae of the builaiHg or <br />threHgh a eommOR ball. A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING OR PORTION <br />THEREOF INTENDED FOR OCCUPANCY BY ONE (I) FAMILY WITH <br />FACILITIES FOR LIVING, SLEEPING, COOKING AND EATING BUT <br />NOT INCLUDING HOTELS, MOTELS, NURSING HOMES, TENTS, <br />SEASONAL CABINS, BOARDING OR ROOMING HOUSES, MOTOR <br />HOMES OR TRAVEL TRAILERS. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />53. Family. An individual or two (2) or more persons, li..'ing togelfier as a siagle <br />ReR pl'eHt houseke8fliRg lHlit, using eRe kitefien as aistiflguishee Kem a gnJRp <br />oectljlying a hotel, clHl3, fmteFflify or sererity house. EACH RELATED TO <br />THE OTHER BY BLOOD, MARRIAGE, ADOPTION, OR FOSTER CARE, <br />OR A GROUP OF NOT MORE THAN FOUR (4) PERSONS, SOME OR <br />ALL OF WHOM ARE NOT RELATED BY BLOOD, MARRIAGE OR <br />ADOPTION, LIVING TOGETHER AND MAINTAINING A COMMON <br />HOUSEHOLD. (THESE REGULATIONS SHALL NOT BE APPLIED SO <br />AS TO PREVENT THE CITY FROM MAKING REASONABLE <br />ACCOMMODATION AS REQUIRED BY THE FEDERAL FAIR <br />HOUSING AMENDMENTS ACT OF 1988). <br /> <br />66. Household. The person or persons occupying a single dwelling unit. A <br />hORsehela may ceRsist ef a single family, eHe ]3erS0n liying alone, 1'.ve er <br />more families li?ing together er any grstljl ef lin relatea persens '.vae sflllfe <br />liviag; arFlIRgemeftts. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2. The definition for "building, accessory" is not inclusive of all structures. Since there are <br />restrictions on accessory structures, it should be clearly defined. Also, there is no limit <br />on the amount of accessory structures permitted. The accessory structure setbacks are in <br />conflict in some sections (10' for accessory structures yet principal structures in the <br />same district only require a 5' setback) so this language is proposed to be amended. <br /> <br />2 <br />