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<br />" <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />....,.'" Mr I <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION - JANUARY 18,2000 3 <br /> <br />The City Council expressed concerns regarding the public perception of the historical <br />process for determining and assessing improvement projects, with a consensus of the <br />need to improve communication levels. It was the consensus of the Council that, due to <br />the organization of the Ingerson neighborhood, this first year's project be used as a pilot <br />for a more interactive resident/Council communication process for future improvement <br />projects. <br /> <br />Staff was directed to prepare a draft proposal for the City Council prior to the January 31, <br />2000 regular meeting, encapsulating a proposal for moving forward with additional <br />communication to let the neighborhood know that the City was seeking more detail than <br />was included in the initial feasibility report (via a neighborhood flyer/newsletter), and for <br />suggestions and plans for a task force of neighborhood residents, the City Engineer, <br />appropriate staff, and rotating Council Liaison. Mayor Probst suggested that further <br />Council action on the proposed 2000 Street Improvement Project be tabled, and any <br />additional survey work related to the project with the exception of the soil borings <br />already scheduled be put on hold, pending the outcome of the January 31 st discussion <br />with the residents and distribution of the neighborhood information flyers. <br /> <br />Councilmembers sought clarification of the purpose and specific charge to the proposed <br />task force. Items for consideration and clarification included whether the task force <br />would have negotiating authority regarding the scope or feasibility of the project, or if it <br />was to hear suggestions of the residents, City Engineer and staff and react with a <br />recommendation to the full City Council; if additional study was warranted regarding <br />drainage issues (i.e., feasibility of ponds vs. rain gardens in clay soils); differing <br />expectations of City Council and residents at the outset; amount of time the task force has <br />for making it's recommendation to the City Council; and the financial impacts of <br />alternatives being considered and the final per foot assessment cost if Hamline is deleted <br />as is concerns its MSA funding status. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated, and Councilmembers concurred that the purpose of the task force <br />would not be for negotiation; the need for the City Engineer to make sound <br />recommendations to the City Council; and the recommended final scope of the project <br />(i.e., Hamline Avenue included in the project) with the City Council making the final <br />decision in the best interest of the community. <br /> <br />d. Ramsev County Leae:ue of Local Governments (RCLLG) Priority Issues <br />Survev <br /> <br />Councilmembers reviewed their recommended legislative priorities for forwarding to the <br />RCCLLG. <br /> <br />Staff was directed to include the following legislative priorities, as previously provided to <br />the League of Minnesota Cities and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities: <br />